Tea and blood sugar

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Distinguished member
Feb 20, 2014
One of the many known benefits of tea is it's ability to lower blood sugar. Good for those who suffer from diabetes and others who over indulge, but for the rest of us not so much. My sugar consumption is so low anyway that if I drink too much tea (3 cups in 2 hours say) then my blood sugar drops too low, and induces brain fog. Swiftly cured by a sweet snack but something to lookout for nonetheless.
It really depends on the tea for me. I'm very sensitive to caffeine, and it can be a cause of my anxiety attacks. Black or green tea tends to have just enough caffeine to energize me for a workout, but not enough to cause anxiety. I drink herbal teas in the evening to help induce true relaxation instead of just restless fatigue, then take sleeping herbs to fall asleep. My blood sugar and pressure are both too low, but I haven't noticed any plummeting effect from tea. Maybe it has something to do with your adrenaline levels being suddenly dropped when you have tea?
It really depends on the tea for me. I'm very sensitive to caffeine, and it can be a cause of my anxiety attacks. Black or green tea tends to have just enough caffeine to energize me for a workout, but not enough to cause anxiety. I drink herbal teas in the evening to help induce true relaxation instead of just restless fatigue, then take sleeping herbs to fall asleep. My blood sugar and pressure are both too low, but I haven't noticed any plummeting effect from tea. Maybe it has something to do with your adrenaline levels being suddenly dropped when you have tea?

The theanine in green tea is probably helping the anxiety, despite its caffeine content. The blood sugar effect is only mild so you need at least 2-3 cups to notice a severe drop, something not a lot of people do at night.
One of the many known benefits of tea is it's ability to lower blood sugar. Good for those who suffer from diabetes and others who over indulge, but for the rest of us not so much. My sugar consumption is so low anyway that if I drink too much tea (3 cups in 2 hours say) then my blood sugar drops too low, and induces brain fog. Swiftly cured by a sweet snack but something to lookout for nonetheless.

This would depend on what kind of tea it is in my case. I can't tolerate the teas with high tannin... and the fruity teas usually make me feel ill. I hadn't known that tea can lower blood sugar. Is that a particular kind or all of it?

Catch22 though, with the brain fog if you have too much of it.
Strangely enough, I cannot drink green tea or earl grey tea. I don't know what is in those two teas but they've always made my stomach hurt really bad! One of my favorite teas is "Cinnamon Sunset" by Harney and Sons. It just tastes wonderful and you don't really need to put any sugar or anything in it. I love drinking it when I'm not feeling well because it has ginger in it. The spices really help with colds!
Strangely enough, I cannot drink green tea or earl grey tea. I don't know what is in those two teas but they've always made my stomach hurt really bad! One of my favorite teas is "Cinnamon Sunset" by Harney and Sons. It just tastes wonderful and you don't really need to put any sugar or anything in it. I love drinking it when I'm not feeling well because it has ginger in it. The spices really help with colds!

That's not strange to me at all... while I haven't had a problem with green tea, Earl Grey has always made me feel sick and "funky" (can't explain it better... kind of dizzy, kind of foggy headed). I've always assumed that one was higher in tannin, but don't quote me on that because I never researched it, just stopped drinking it. :lol:

I haven't tried Cinnamon Sunset... actually I haven't heard of Harney and Sons either. Is that readily available? (I'm in the US... can't see your location here in respond mode.)
That's not strange to me at all... while I haven't had a problem with green tea, Earl Grey has always made me feel sick and "funky" (can't explain it better... kind of dizzy, kind of foggy headed). I've always assumed that one was higher in tannin, but don't quote me on that because I never researched it, just stopped drinking it. :lol:

I haven't tried Cinnamon Sunset... actually I haven't heard of Harney and Sons either. Is that readily available? (I'm in the US... can't see your location here in respond mode.)

This is very strange because of all the teas, Earl Grey made me feel the best. No side effects ever. I mean normal tea often makes me perky, but sometimes brain foggy. early grey always improves my symptoms, but maybe that's due do the fact I don't put milk in my earl grey.
I had no idea tea could do that. Any kind of tea can do that or there is a specific tea that can actually help you lower your sugar levels? I'm taking a green tea supplement, but so far I haven't noticed any change in my glucose levels. I guess white tea would do? I ask because I suffer from insulin resistance, I guess I really need to stop the sugar binge during the weekend! Not good for my stomach either. Might start drinking tea!
Have you tried adding a sweetener to your tea. I usually sweeten mines with pure honey. Tea has seemed to help my fatigue and pain. I especially love a cup in the morning to get me going and a cup at night to put me to sleep.
I've never heard of that about tea, but, I've heard that cinnamon is also used for lowering blood sugar. I'm not basing this information on fact, just that I heard it from someone, or learned about it online. Maybe just a sprinkle a day could cause blood sugar problems to vanish. I've heard this for years. i do love the taste of cinnamon, and now I've more reasons to sprinkle cinnamon on my favorite food.
I have never heard of this about tea but its something I like to drink frequently (unsweetened) in the evening to relax myself. Good stuff to know, thank you :)
I think tea is a healthy alternative, especially when you are the type who prefer to drink flavored beverages instead of plain tap water. However, this depends on how your prepare your tea as well. If you are the type who likes to put a lot of flavors or sugar into it, then it ends up not to be a healthy drink. Tea is best consumed plain. You basically just have to pour hot water into it and that should be it. It won't hurt to consume several cups if it's plain tea only.
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