surgery tomorrow

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Senior member
May 2, 2014
I'm going in for my second ankle surgery this year, tomorrow, (one surgery per ankle). I've had torn tendons and arthritis that I've been dealing with for over 8 years. Time to get rid of some of the pain in my life.(a shoulder surgery will be in the fall)
I have been so happy this week for no particular reason( except of course the decrease of pain for the time being.)
I've been getting things organized for my husband who will have to be my (very capable) nurse again and it feels great to be doing things and feeling useful again.
I can't remember the last time I was just downright happy and it feels wonderful.
Tomorrow may change it all though. Is there a history of a relapse of fibro pain after surgery? I'm sorry if I'm suspicious,for although I'm enjoying" the happy" I don't know what to attribute it to. I know, I shouldn't borrow trouble, just enjoy this.
I'm so glad to be looking forward to walking any distance w/out such pain and swelling! But I will be down 6 weeks minimum as a part of it involves replacing one tendon with another (mine). I'm scared of the drudgery of depression rearing up again so soon.
Good Luck! I hope all goes well. Pain is such a horrible thing to deal with. Enjoy it and hopefully you will be in less pain.
So happy for you Ruralchick! I hope everything goes well for you, please keep us posted and let us know how it goes! I really hope things go well for you, my aunt had a similar surgery, and so far everything is going good. Hopefully things will go as good for you as they went for her. As for your question... can't answer that since I've never had that kind of surgeries before. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on this. Best of luck.
Good luck. I have wondered too if surgery will affect fibro or not. I would imagine it would since any non related ailment Ive incurred has set off wicked fibro pain but at the same time this will also reduce your pain. Try to stay positive and live one moment at a time. Let us know how it goes!
Hope your surgery went well and looking forward to your return to the forum. Be strong and know we are thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery. :)
Good morning, and even though you may not read it until after the surgery I wanted you to read these words. I prayed for you after I read this post and, I truly believe in the power of prayer and faith. So, long as you remain positive you will get through it just fine and make an excellent recovery. That is the trick to this disease and any other remaining positive and havinv unwavering faith no matter what geta in your way to test you.
I'm late posting when you just had surgery three days ago, but I hope that this post finds you well. I pray for your speedy recovery and that no complications came about during your surgery or will come about as you recover. You display a positive outlook and that is very encouraging to myself and I'm sure others who are about to have surgery or who are contemplating surgery. I have a stretched ACL and PCL in my left knee. I also have a bit of arthritis. Due to no medical insurance, I am not able to get this problem corrected. So just imagine the pain I have each and everyday. So I am truly happy that you were able to have surgery to get your ankle back to normal. Just continue with your positiveness, and I am sure all will be well.
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