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Distinguished member
Apr 14, 2016
Over the past month I've added some vitamins/supplements sporadically; not daily, but on a fairly regular basis. I'm going to outline what I've taken, and what I've seen improvements in.

  • Q-nol CoQ10 - 1-2x per week
  • Solgar B-50 complex - 1x per week
  • store brand Vitamin D3 1,000mg - apprx. 3-4x a week (when I don't get adequate sun exposure)
  • Vitacost Magnesium citrate w/sodium and potassium - 1/2 scoop 1-2x per week
  • Crushed flax seed - 1-2x per week, or 1,000mg flax seed oil 1x per week
  • store brand Lysine 500mg - 1-2x per week

What has improved:
  • Headaches - practically gone. went from having bad ones on avg 4-5x per week, now I just barely get a tinge, 1-2x per week
  • Brain fog/clogged feeling - gone, head feels lighter, able to think clearer
  • Fatigue - still have after long walks, but able to do more over all
  • Anxiety - greatly reduced, only situational now
  • High BP/heart palpitations - greatly reduced but still have on occasion
  • Stomach pains/acid reflux - gone
  • Tingling/numbness in limbs - gone
  • Constipation - frequency of movements increased, consistency is normal

So for now I am just left with the myofascial pain and intermittent muscle weakness, crepitus and MGD. I still won't try the duloxetine; the possible side effects are much of what I have just gotten over.
So glad that the supplements are helping you! Have you had your Vitamin D checked? I was taking 5,000 IU a day and my integrative dr bumped it up to 10,000 IU. It takes a really long time for it to build up in your system. I was really low when I first started (13) and after a year I'm still not to a normal level (I'm at 27 now). It will not hurt you to take it daily.

Also, I learned that you can get more benefits from flax seed if you grind it just before eating instead of using already ground. I guess the good oils start to loose their potency after grinding. I use a coffee grinder and it works well.

What is lysine for? I've not heard of that one.
Thanks SilverBelle, my thyroid (T3 & 4) was checked back in March, and that was normal, but after I had a cat scan w/contrast done, I was very fatigued, more pain and the hair under my arms and on my legs stopped growing (the latter I was actually happy about :)
I don't have a doctor at the moment, but the PA I saw wasn't concerned at all. But I thought I would just try it out.

I know, I should crush the seeds completely, but I get lazy, lol. So I just crush them until they break open. I usually eat 2 servings figuring I will only get half the benefits.

Lysine is an amino acid. I was tested positive for EBV (type of herpes virus, causes CFS) back in March, with a recent infection. Herpes virus travel along the nerves, so that may cause tingling/burning sensations. Lysine is effective against the virus.

Money is tight right now, so I can't afford to take anything daily. But I'm happy to just get some relief from the symptoms, until I can get diagnosed properly.
I understand money being tight! We live on my husbands social security and it doesn't give us much to play with. Many of the supplements my integrative Dr. wants me to take are having to wait. After pricing them all it would be well over $100 a month! :shock: So, I'm doing the best that I can as I'm sure you are :-)

I'm going to do some more research on the Lysine. Much of my pain in my muscles is a burning type. Thanks for the info!
It is pretty crazy when you think about it...the duloxetine that the clinic wants me to take, the retail price is $475.99 per mo (I don't know if the insurance pays that much) and the potential side effects are worse than what I endure now.

Yet they won't prescribe (or perhaps can't) prescribe supplements that would benefit me overall, and would cost less than half the medication.

Well, think we will have to figure out a way to raise some extra cash SilverBelle...I'm thinking it's about time for a yard sale :smile:
Vitamin D always gave me sever headaches on the day that I took them without adequate calcium. I never took calcium supplements but it took 2 pints minimum to relieve the headache, sometimes 4 pints. However it did reduce brain fog and fatigue, so one day of headaches were ultimately worth it.
That's interesting Hedonist. I haven't experienced that, but then again I'm not taking a large amount (only 1 - 1K tablet). I see there are many
calcium + Vitamin D3 on the market, are you taking those now, or any form of those two vitamins together?
I'll have to talk to hubby about these supplements and see if he can chat to his doctor in more detail about them. For any sort of supplement or natural remedy I always like to just make sure a GP clears it, to make sure its okay and won't interact with any other prescribed medications.

Thanks for the comprehensive list though! I'm glad to have this community here!
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