Stupid snow storm!

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Senior member
May 5, 2013
Need to vent....
Tomorrow is my first day back at work since early November (I am a seasonal employee).... My regular schedule is 6 hous a day, m-f, but the first two days back are full 8 and a half hours....
This is the stinky part: I'm in western new York.... And we have several weather warnings / alerts for tomorrow - Wednesday.... I have been feeling a storm brewing since almost 2 weeks ago, when I say 'feeling' I mean literally in the form of pain..... As you all know, our bodies are more accurate in predicting weather changes than the meteorologists lol.... Anyways, tonight we're getting rain.... And the wind chill in the next couple days will be -20 to -30 degrees! And to top it off, they're calling for our area to get 25-32 inches of snow between tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday morning!

I love snow, it is so pretty.... But I hate the cold and I hate our storms we get in this area "Lake effect snow" can kiss my bbehind lol
My body is telling me this is going to be another huge storm, I think the worst yet this whole winter...
Thank goodness I have a 4wheel drive truck with awesome tires. But I don't even want to leave my house lol
I am hoping get if we get as much snow as they think we will, that I might have a snow day on Tuesday or Wednesday, preferably both days lol
We are just starting to get hit with the beginning of the storm and the sad thing is that my husband cannot get a snow day because his employer really does depend on him.
Wow, those temperatures reminded me of when I used to work in the north and south of Norway; the winters in the south were horrible, but the ones in the north were unbearable! Substract other 10 celcius and you get the temperature we had during the winter in Vadsø. Man that place was stunning, but was it cold! I worked in the south as well, in Oslo and Trondheim, winters were still tough, but not as bad in the north. Best of luck guys! Stay safe and be careful! I heard a lot flights might be cancelled and weather might get worse.
[/I] totally hear you, I live in New Hampshire and we have so much snow, it is incrediable, and it is so so so cold, I don't know about anyone else but I can't take the cold, my muscles hurt so much worse and no matter what I do I can't warm up enough,, I also think this snow is beautiful if you can stay in and just take in the beauty, stay warm and dry, today I am suppose to report for Jury duty I have to be there by 9am and I hurt so badly, especially my feet today, it hurts just to put them on the floor, hoping I can reschedule or get excused, I have a whole week of doctors apts that I would rather not change, oh well, at least I am still able to get out,
Thank goodness for 4 wheel drive! It's a nightmare here already and will get worse!
its these super freezes that are so awful and the damn wind-chills! minus friggin stupid or what?! after the ice storm a couple weeks ago my car was cocooned in 3 inches of solid ice. now we have the arctic vortex that freezes you crispy dry as soon as you step out. I have to go out and drive about in it tomorrow and it does cause me some concern. at least its not supposed to be snowing tomorrow. i would stay in if it wasnt for damn specialist appts that i'd have to wait another 3 months for!
stay safe and warm people
Guys, I just wanted to comment the weather is kinda crazy... we are freezing over here in America, but my relatives in the Netherlands say they're having the warmest winter ever, lol. I find that worriesome... will we be growing banana trees in the Netherlands after a few years? I'm starting to think we will! Things are quite ugly in the UK too with all those massive waves and floods!
We have had many blizzards, the first one November 1, and have serious cold. Most days the highs are about -25C and -40 or colder with windchill. Nights are down to -30s. It gets tiresome week after week after week as my body hurts and aches everywhere but my eyelashes and eyebrows. Cannot wait to move to Croatia in May to escape northern Canadian winters! Until you have experienced cold here, you don't know how dreadful it is! But Spring will eventually come and the snow will melt and birds will return.:)
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