so I've been thinking since my fibromyalgia diagnosis 14 years ago we had adopted a three sibling group been up and down for the last 14 years been very stressed. Had one breakdown. I'm wondering if maybe I just can't take on anymore stress and my body is just reacting to the stress in this way. any feedback on that thank you.
It's a solid, proven fact that stress is one of the worst things for human health. For the health of any living being, actually, even trees.
Any living thing that is under overdue stress for a prolonged period of time will suffer physically, mentally, or both. How early in life the stress starts is significant as well...the earlier it starts, the more damage it does. But even if it starts when the individual is fully adult, if it is prolonged or if it happens often, there will be a negative effect on that individual's health. It's pretty much guaranteed.
What form the damage takes, what kind of mental health issues or physical health issues the stress causes will depend on many factors that are not yet fully understood, but which include things like genetic inclinations and/or weakness or strength, and how that individual deals with their stress, and in general how they live and how healthy they are.
If you have been under a lot of stress, it has very likely contributed to (or caused) the problems you are having now. Whether or not it is fibromyalgia, I cannot say of course. But many of us here who know that we do have fibromyalgia have had unusual stress in our lives at one time or another, or for most of our lives, or during very early formative years, and that has no doubt contributed to, or caused, fibromyalgia to develop in our bodies.