Sick :(

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Jan 28, 2013
On top of everything for the last week I've been coughing, congested, and just overall miserable and I finally gave in and went to the dr a couple days ago to find out that I have bronchitis. It's certainly to early in the fall/winter season to start with this already. I have muscles pulled in my stomach from all the coughing (ugh..just great more pain) my head is throbbing with no relief insight (meds are limited for congestion due to high blood pressure). I sure hope everyone else is in better overall well being than me at this point.
I am sorry to hear your feeling so bad. It seems there is a cold going around that causes loss of ability to speak, horseness, and that bad bronchitis. A good friend of mine has it right now and she is fighting hard to keep going. I hope you feel better soon.

By the way welcome to the forum. It is always nice to see new names and comments on the forum topics. :)
You're right; it's too darn early to suffer from bronchitis! That is just adding insult to injury. As though we don't feel bad enough already!
I'm not always certain who's in charge but I have to wonder--why me?! What have I done or you done that we deserve this painful fate? Why not give fibro to some of the evil people in the world--what if Hitler had had it? Maybe he did, he was so horrendous. That leader of North Korea; why not keep him busy with fibro symptoms to take his mind off creating nuclear weapons? I'm just saying...
On top of everything for the last week I've been coughing, congested, and just overall miserable and I finally gave in and went to the dr a couple days ago to find out that I have bronchitis. It's certainly to early in the fall/winter season to start with this already. I have muscles pulled in my stomach from all the coughing (ugh..just great more pain) my head is throbbing with no relief insight (meds are limited for congestion due to high blood pressure). I sure hope everyone else is in better overall well being than me at this point.

*HUG* I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, I hate getting bronchitis :( It's one of the things that make dread winter the most! Because I usually get sick during this season... here the weather is changing, so I might be in the same place you are right now in a couple of week.

I hope you recover soon. If you can, stay at home and rest :) Don't expose yourself outside and keep your self warm and cozy :) Drink plenty of liquids... sometimes ''Halls'' (eucalyptus one) helps me a lot when my throat is feeling funny. You just need some rest, hang in there!
Thank you all! Here it is 3 weeks after the onset of this nasty stuff and I'm still feeling it. It's not quite as bad now, but it is still in my chest. To top it all off, my sinuses ares starting to go crazy yet again :( I went and helped my parents move over the weekend and I sure am paying the price now, but it was worth it. My parents are neither in the condition to be lifting and lugging on things as my dad has a form of cerebral palsy and my mom is in need of total knee replacement surgery (both legs) and my sister and I seemed to get along alright moving their things and my brothers were more interested in going to a local pumpkin festival instead of helping us. We managed, and I think after all this bronchitis bout I will survive! I have to go see the endocrinologist tomorrow about my thyroid so hopefully that goes well. I'm in need of some good news!
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