Seeking people I can talk to

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Hi Jeff,

Great to have you here. This is a pretty active space with both Fibro and CFS sufferers from all over the world. There is a ton of fantastic information, too - if you want to, have a poke around in old threads to see what people have been doing to manage their symptoms, various discussions, and news about the latest medical developments.

I'm not sure how long you've had your diagnosis, but if you could use some quick tips on symptom management, there's a fantastic post pinned to the top of the General discussion section, by admin Sunkacola. Otherwise, feel free to vent, ask questions, and throw your thoughts around at will. We can all muddle through together!

I know that a lot of men with fibro can feel particularly isolated by this condition. If that speaks to you, perhaps click on "What's New" and scroll down a little to find a recent thread where men here on the forum have been connecting. I hope you find the support that you're looking for ☀️
@Jemima - thank you. I will look around at the threads you suggested. I struggled for years and saw many doctors before being formally diagnosed in Jan 2019 with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I also struggle with anxiety, depression and asthma. I’m a shell of my former shelf and my family and friends don’t understand as I’m sure most on here have experienced.
I can relate so much to the sense of being robbed - it's a really challenging process to adjust to and accept the things that these kinds of conditions take from us. I don't think anyone can master that fully!

I worked with a therapist last year who walked me through what he called "radical acceptance". Accepting the pain, accepting the limitations, and knowing that as unpleasant as these things are, they aren't a threat. He got me to sit with my pain and observe it until it didn't trigger a stress response, and to try not to fight when I couldn't do the things that I would have done before. To begin with, it felt really counterintuitive, but after a while I think it really helped.

There have been so many discussions here on how difficult it is when loved ones don't comprehend what we experience. You will always find understanding ears in this forum!
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