Saved by a caffeine pill

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May 31, 2023
I am one of those people whose fibromyalgia comes in spurts…some days horrible and others just an annoyance.

I take Ibuprofen and acetaminophen to help manage the pain, but more and more here lately, these pills do not offer any relief. That’s when I pull out my trusty bottle of caffeine pills…often (but not always) the caffeine breaks off the pain at the root.

If you’re like me, a certain level of functionality is needed by my family to help meet the normal tasks like washing dishes, laundry, vacuuming and grocery shopping.

My family IS very understanding when I just can’t deal with the pain on any level, but sometimes I really try to live a normal life and do my part to keep our household running smoothly.

Does anyone else out there find caffeine helpful when you a really bad flare? Just wondering.
I keep a bottle of caffeine pills in my kitchen cabinet for occasional use when needed. It has at least twice as much caffeine as one cup of coffee, and it's quick when I need it. But I don't use it often. Like @sunkacola said, I enjoy my coffee as well as my hot cocoa, for The taste and the caffeine.😁
I had read that caffeine was very bad for fibromyalgia and could touch off a spell of fibro pain? I have been avoiding it, I guess I haven't found my own triggers yet.
I had read that caffeine was very bad for fibromyalgia and could touch off a spell of fibro pain? I have been avoiding it, I guess I haven't found my own triggers yet.
This is another thing that varies greatly among people with fibro. Some find caffeine helpful, others find it to be almost poison. Some people say that eating a strict vegan diet is the key to having a life with fibro, others say that going on a carnivore diet made the most positive difference for them. There's no one thing or set of things that works the same way for everyone, although avoiding excessive sugar and alcohol is always a good idea, reducing stress, and eating as healthy a diet as you can possibly manage is also important.
This is another thing that varies greatly among people with fibro. Some find caffeine helpful, others find it to be almost poison. Some people say that eating a strict vegan diet is the key to having a life with fibro, others say that going on a carnivore diet made the most positive difference for them. There's no one thing or set of things that works the same way for everyone, although avoiding excessive sugar and alcohol is always a good idea, reducing stress, and eating as healthy a diet as you can possibly manage is also important.
Alcohol flattens me like a pancake. It's amazing how many times I have had to learn that lesson. Drinking alcohol makes me feel so great and gives such relief from my symptoms for a couple hours and then I suffer the consequences which are about three days of pain. I have cut out sugar altogether so I don't have to buy bigger pants. I don't move around as much due to knee problems (had surgery on one knee and scheduling one more for the other knee). I'm managing my weight so I don't end up with more problems!
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