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Legendary member
Sep 18, 2015
Hi all you fellow sufferers. I posted a tread called 'help' under newbie by mistake as I am NEW and not used to the site. A few have viewed my plea but no replies....would love a bit of support and hope. From willow and a dreary morning in the UK!
Hi Willow! Welcome to the forum. I hope you can find some support and answers here. Having fibro can be a sad and lonely experience, BUT I think it is up to us to try to find something good and positive each day. Somedays I just feel so sad I can hardly function, but I still try to take some time to make myself come up with some things to be grateful for. We can still live our lives, just not always in the ways we had planned, and we can still make a difference in this world. Try to appreciate the little things--beautiful flowers, a sunset or sunrise, sleep (even if it is never enough), and take some time to laugh (maybe watch a funny movie). Good luck! We all know how tough it can be, but we are all in this together!
Willow welcome. Your not alone and pls share your story so far. Sorry if we missed your post .ask away and il promise I won't miss it this time x
just taken amitriptiline and oh my god body gone heavy cant move head throbing am sooooooooo scared another mistake as i know i am super sensitive to drugs and lived without any for years......but i have horrible crushing sensation severe pain in head and jaw since crying last week and now this drug has made it worse. I cant cope anymore with whats happening to me...i have fought and parents say i havent tried hard enough ....if they could walk a day in my partner doesnt know what to d to help this drug and the room is spinning i am spaced out and why have i got all this new pain that seems set i a pattern not moving like usual fibro....i feel i cant go on. yesterday my parner took me for a short drive and the pain after showering and drying my hair was so severe i sat in the car with a duvet over the seat and still every movement was agony as we went along. Before i would ache after a while but i could enjoy the scenery no tbe holdig back tears of shock and pain beyond today i try this drug and now i am sick sweating zombie and pain just the same.
Ok old are u .?. Secondly you should take that drug at night as it helps u sleep.thats why you feel like a zombie.i promise u I felt just the same when I started. I'm sensitive to a lot of drugs to.i think your having a panic attacks because u were scared to try the new drug .and then once u had it and it made u sleepy it's scared u.
Willow if your not sleeping pain will get a lot worse .and amitriptoplin will help u relax and sleep. I used to have such bad panic that I would go blue in the face and pass out.
U may also be in a flare .the minds a powerful thing u no. When it overloads with pain panic and drugs we all can feel rubbish.
I'm on a drug for my bi polar that I have to have while in bed as it knocks me out .i have never felt so heavy and drugged in my life. Now I take it at bed time only x
thank you forgetmenot....i have been in panic for weeks and cant get a grip......i have coped well for years but have crumpled and cant find a way many new severe symptoms....see my post help a few days ago .....i know only i can do it but i dont want another day of this torture and cant watch tv read etc as my mind is breaking down and overloaded i am in a dark hole with heart racing all time, thank you though...o would post more but typing and even talking hurts so i feel locked in my own body more than ever
Have you ever done any meditation? Lay flat (no pillow) in a semi dark room. Candlelight would be good. Or maybe even a nice bath with lavender which is calming. Close your eyes and just don't think of anything but your breath going in and out, in and out. Focus on your breath and your beating heart. Then pay attention to your core. Feel it from the inside. Is it good? Does it hurt? Slowly move out to your extremities. Visualize the pain moving out to your extremities. Push the pain out of your fingers, then your toes, then out the top of your head. As you do this tell your self that you love your body, that your body is strong, that your body feels good.

Positive self talk is an important part of healing. Like prayer, if you believe it, then it will help.

My mom has had rheumatoid arthritis for 40 years. She's had a lot of pain and tolerates tremendous pain with low doses of pain medication (took only Motrin after ankle replacement!) Here is her recipe: chocolate, laughter, and sex (self stimulation works just fine.) All of these produce endorphins that reduce pain.

I hope you find relief soon! This disease sucks!
Ha Ha thanks but sex of any sort has hurt so much for years that even mental stimulation causes big pelvic girly bit flairs let alone actual sex and the big 'o is excrutuaiting'...and then i always get intersitial cystitis and vulvodynia for weeks....i get theses randomly most of the time anyway now......loo 30 times a day sometimes ....just another daily challenge.....that came out of the blue 2 years into fibro with no history of any pain down there or real cystitis infection my whole life....that is why i am so scared as migraines and jaw pain are new but daily for months.....i will try meditation than you
I would see if your doc would give you something like xanax or lorazepam for your anxiety. I have had severe pain off and on for 7 yrs and find that with all the other meds I take, xanax helps me the most with anxiety which can cause pain to feel worse. It is very depressing to suffer with such awful pain that no one else seems to understand because they dont have it, even some of my family think Im just complaining. If they could live one day in my shoes, they would understand.
Oh! I forgot to tell you, no caffeine! One Coke or a cup of coffee and I think I'm having a heart attack.
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