Greetings to you,
@greg6661 and welcome to the forum.
One place you can start in terms of getting advice on how to manage fibromyalgia is this post:
I am not a doctor or anything, just a person who has lived with fibromyalgia for several years now and has done a lot of research and trial and error experimentation. What follows is just basics. There are a lot of variations. You will find your own versions of everything I say, as this is not a prescription and there are no guarantees. But I believe that if you can do these things, it will improve the quality of your life.
First thing to remember is that Fibro is not a death sentence and if you learn how to manage it, it will very possibly not always be as bad as it is now.
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I think the most important thing to know just at first is that what works for one person may or may not work for you. So read what other people are doing, and try things. Ask all the questions you want and we will reply. But do your best not to get discouraged if something, or many things, that you try don't work for you. It's a balancing game and a matter of experimentation, finding out what works best for you.
Are you under a doctor's care? Are you taking, or have you tried, any other medications? There are many that are prescribed for fibromyalgia. There is no one medication that helps us all, and some of them can have unpleasant side effects, but some are known to help some people.'s a matter of experimentation.
Here are a few things that are beneficial to everyone:
Improving your overall health by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. What constitutes a healthy diet varies; for some it is vegetarian, for others it is meat. Exercise needs to be something you enjoy and that you can do consistently without causing yourself even more pain.
Pacing activity and not overdoing it.
Getting enough restful sleep.
Maintaining as best you can a positive attitude.
All of the above can be challenging. We are here to help in whatever way we can, and to offer our own experience, advice, and support. You are not alone, and the people on this forum really want to help each other.
You have a lot on your plate, being a single dad. Many others here also have a lot on their plates, and we are all managing the best we can. Some days, we all do better than other days. Be kind to yourself, take care of yourself the best you can and know we are here for you.