ella, i wrote some of my experience about cymbalta in this forum, if you are interested in searching it, in addition to the info below. =)
some background info- i was not on any other drugs when i went on cymbalta for fibro. my fibro was somewhat mild at the time i started it, compared to now off of it. but it was bad enough to seek medication and go through the initial "hazing phase". i was on cymbalta for about a year. it was not an easy drug to get used to, it took about a month or two for the side effects to calm down, but every week got easier. i started with 30 mg for a few weeks, then increased to 60 mg.
when i first started taking it, i experienced intense anxiety, nausea, sweating, dizziness, drowsiness, and some other things that i'm not remembering i'm sure. it was really jarring and scary, but i was told that these side effects will calm down after a few weeks so i hung in there. the timing of when to take the drug was also tricky because if i took it in the morning, i would be too drowsy and nauseous for the rest of the day. if i took it before bed, i would still be too nauseous in the morning. if i took it in the afternoon, i would be too drowsy for the rest of the day. so for me, it was best to take it between 5-7 pm right after a meal, otherwise, the side effects were just too hard.
BUT cymbalta worked for me. it didn't take away all the pain, but it took away a lot of it. After about 2 months of getting used to, and finding the right time of day to take it, my side effects were mostly sweating, similar to what i imagine hot flashes to be from what my friends tell me. and also constipation, i went to the bathroom maybe once or twice a week. even with extra fiber intake, i was only going twice or three times a week.
if i missed a few consecutive doses tho, the nausea would come back with a vengeance when i took the next pill.
also, please do your research on getting off of cymbalta. it comes with serious and painful withdrawal symptoms that can last for months. one of which is severe depression and a very bad fibro flare up. i got off of it without consulting a doctor, i would not recommend that.