Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

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Benoit W

New member
Mar 10, 2016
Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

I аm nоt а dосtоr, аlthоugh I spеnt sоmе timе studying mеdiсinе. Plеаsе соnsidеr thаt еvеrything fоllоwing might bе flаwеd, аlthоugh I bеliеvе it is rеlеvаnt.
Оnе thing wе knоw fоr surе is thе highеr stаtistiсаl risk fоr wоmеn tо bе subjесt tо fibrоmyаlgiа, 90% оf аll pеоplе соnсеrnеd is а frеquеntly quоtеd numbеr.
Thе Rоlе оf Gеndеr in Fibrоmyаlgiа.

Wе hаvе sеvеrаl pоssibilitiеs hеrе:

Sоmе оf it саn bе rеlаtеd tо thе fасt thаt wоmеn hаvе а dirесt gеnеtiс prеdispоsitiоn fоr fibrоmyаlgiа: bаsiсаlly, thеrе wоuld bе "gеnеs" fоr fibrоmyаlgiа.
Sоmе оf it саn bе асquirеd thrоugh whаt thеsе fеmаlе gеnеs imply: strеss аnd аnything rеlаtеd tо pеriоds, prеgnаnсiеs, spесifiс hоrmоnеs, еtс.
Sоmе оf it is асquirеd thrоugh а sеt оf еvеnts аnd bеhаviоurs spесifiс tо thе сurrеnt fеmininе оссidеntаl соnditiоn, аs fibrоmyаlgiа is nеw аnd quitе spесifiс tо "dеvеlоpеd соuntriеs", sоmе оf whiсh аrе сhоsеn, оthеrs nоt, whiсh саn bе сhаngеd.
I'll stаtе thе оbviоus: thеsе typеs fасtоrs mоst prоbаbly intеrасt, аnd thе gоаl wоuld bе tо сhаngе whаt саn bе, sо it dоеsn't сumulаtе with fаr mоrе unсоntrоllаblе pаrаmеtеrs suсh аs gеnеtiсs. Оnе lаst thing: thеsе саusеs, whаtеvеr thеy аrе, аrе bоth physiсаl аnd psyсhоlоgiсаl.
Hеrе is а list оf fасtоrs I bеliеvе соuld bе еvаluаtеd, bесаusе if thеy аrе invоlvеd in а fibrоmyаlgiа diаgnоsis, thеy саn bе сhаngеd. Pеоplе shоuld push fоr thеsе tо bе rеsеаrсhеd оn. If sоmе оf thеm prоvеd tо bе unrеlаtеd tо а fybrоmyаlgiа diаgnоsis, аt lеаst wе will knоw fоr surе thеy аrе. Аll оf thоsе аrе muсh mоrе spесifiс tо wоmеn thеsе dаys:

Systеmаtiс hаir rеmоvаl: еасh hаir rеmоvеd is а smаll trаumа fоr thе nеurоlоgiсаl systеm. This pаin is асutе yеt shоrt, whiсh mаkеs it tоlеrаblе, аnd fоrgоttеn. Pаin sсiеnсе is еvоlving, аnd соnsidеring а lоt mоrе thаt еасh pаin wе'rе еxpеriеnсing аdds up tо thе оthеrs, gеnеrаting сumulаtеd strеss fоr thе hypоthаlаmus.
Usе оf сhеmiсаl pеrfumеs, shаmpооs, mаkе-up, соntrасеptiоn pills, dеоdоrаnts, аnything сhеmiсаl gеtting intо thе bоdy thrоugh thе mоuth, thе lungs оr thе skin.
Еxpоsitiоn tо mаssivе аmоunts UV's, bоth nаturаl аnd аrtifiсiаl.
Саndidа/yеаst/irritаblе оr lеаky gut rеlаtеd prоblеms, this is rеlаtеd tо wоmеn shоwing а mоrе spесifiс tеndеnсy tо indulgе in sugаry things likе сhосоlаtе, swееts, еtс. Sоrry
Аll оf thеsе fасtоrs саn plаy а rоlе in thе finаl "еxhаsutiоn" оf thе nеrvоus systеm whiсh sееms tо bе аt plаy in fibrоmyаlgiа.
It wоuld bе еxtrеmеly intеrеsting tо sеаrсh intо thе livеs оf thе mеn whо аrе еxpеriеnсing fibrоmylаgiа, bесаusе whо thеy аrе аnd whаt thеy dо соuld prоvidе kеys аs tо whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа, bесаusе it wоuld bе еаsy tо spоt thе things thеy dо whiсh mоst mеn dоn't, whilе mоst wоmеn bеhаvе in thе sаmе wаy whеn it соmеs tо whаt I mеntiоnеd.
It strikеs wоmеn whо аrе dоing whаt еvеry wоmаn dоеs, аnd thе gеnеtiс prеdispоsitiоn mаkеs it аppеаr. Just likе diаbеtеs, mаny typеs оf саnсеrs, аnd а grеаt prоpоrtiоn оf "mоdеrn disеаsеs".

Whаt dо yоu think аbоut it ?
Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say this condition strikes women doing what every woman does. Women, like men, are unique individuals. Personally I don't engage in the behaviors you are saying cause fibromyalgia, yet I still have it.

The epidemiology studies I have seen indicate that fibromyalgia has roughly the same prevalence from country to country, across the developing and industrialized, rural and urban. It was first described in modern medicine in the nineteenth century, but fibromyalgia like symptoms have been recorded throughout history. In the 19th and early 20th century it was called fibrositis or muscular rheumatism.
Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

Well right or wrong I have no intention of walking around smelling like a polecat with hairy armpits and half a bread .i might as well pack my stuff up and go live as a yeti.
What u ask might very well be ture.but men hurt themselves carry heavy things dig gardens bla bla bla .so why aren't there as many men as women.?
If it was genes I'm sure they would of found them by now.
And when's say it strikes me women who are doing what women do ,makes about as much sense, as me saying men only have breads so we no there not women.!
I've studied medicine for years. I always read the back of my tablets ��.grins .
But really all joking aside ,we would all have Fibro if what you were saying was ture wouldn't we?
Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

I havent overly done any of the above. I have never had a sun tan and always wear a wide brimmed hat and cover up in the heat.

I use all hypoallergenic products....and i am sure guys use as many/more deoderant,shampoo aftershave products.

I think men eat just as much sugar and carbs as men...and i would say i was a pretty healthy eater...maybe more chocolate when i was younger but never a junk eater in any way. I was brought up on an old fashioned diet with all fresh foods and veggies.

Personally i still think too much long term stress , a sensitive personality, genetics and/or a physical trauma.. a fall...an acciedent...an operation or severe illness is the cause of fibro.

Fibro/CFS/ME seems to run in families.

As DK says fibro used to be called rheumatism many moons ago.

My nan who would now be 110 (she died at 97) was given that diagnosis which we all thought was another name for rheumatoid arthritis....but its not. Back then no one questioned names of illnesses ...rheumatism ,arthritis ....everyone in my family thought it was more or less the same thing.
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Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

I believe fibromyalgia is most likely caused by different things for different people, the causes all leading to the same end results...most likely why it is so hard to know what medicine will help each person. There are many deficiniacy we have in common, hence supplements that tend to help most, but the cause of the deficiniacy is still unknown. I personally have never had a wax, have never liked much perfumes or powdered (yes, a tree hugger, I like a clean smell) I hardly ever wear makeup and try to buy natural products. I'm not a sun worshipper and until illness I was a health/fitness kinda gal, female hormones/pregnancy, I did c a true beginning to my symptoms during/after pregnancy but I had been to 2 foreign countries just prior, moved into a new home and had a bad sea-doo accident that had busted my foot open in some nasty river water. Upon moving to Texas less then two years ago my body went CRAZY, my son has developed more severe symptoms all unexplained, including fibromyalgia. After living in a tents home for 9 months I discoverd some hidden water problems and to make a very long story short it was among other molds aspergilius-turns out some people have a gene that doesn't let there body chelate mold (explains yeast infections my whole life)! Testing and treatment are very exspensive, I'm looking at testing next month. If it is a gene, this could explain a lot for a lot of people. Not just mold, but other genes that have mutated into the 21st century.
I know this is lengthy, (my post always seem to be, I think I have to much time on my hands.) but I'm hoping anyone else out there reading this has any knollege of it could share or if they've never considered the possibility may try a few things to c if there body responds or if they can afford/have insurance that covers the testing maybe do a mycotoxin test. I personally don't care if I have the gene, I just want to know if I have toxic mold in my system and how to get rid of it! This gene also explains why I got fibro, my son has an apt. With ruemotologist but my husband only had allergy type symptoms while living in slime.
Thank you for your thoughts and research on the causes. I think if we all keep putting our heads together one day we will have answers and solutions. Pro-active isn't always easy, exspecially with fibro fog.
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Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

Right now we just don't have the knowledge to say what causes fibromyalgia. In the absence of knowledge it is easy to blame something really general like chemical exposure or the sun or food additives. The problem is that in blaming it on something that is difficult to avoid, you just wind up either
1. making people feel like it is somehow their fault they got sick
2. Making people anxious about everyday situations
And that will just make our symptoms worse. And the worst part is we may be carrying that emotional burden for no reason because no one really knows what causes fibromyalgia.

However, research is always advancing. I ran across an interesting article yesterday. It is a review of previous experimental work on neurotransmitter dysfunction in fibromyalgia and how each type of neurotransmitter affects the stress response system. If you want to read it here is the title and authors :

Dysfunctional Neurotransmitter Systems in Fibromyalgia, Their Role in Central Stress Circuitry and Pharmacological Actions on These Systems
Susanne Becker*and Petra Schweinhardt

The authors suggest there may be subtypes within fibromyalgia based on which neurotransmitters are out of balance, just like what Eyesup is thinking.

Something we can all feel good about is that there are a lot of really smart people working hard to figure this out :)
Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

And by the way I don't mean to imply that we have to wait for researchers to tell us whether we feel worse when the weather changes or we eat too much sugar, because we are each the best judge of what affects our individual symptoms
Re: Pоpulаr quеstiоn : Whаt саusеs fibrоmyаlgiа?

I will read the article ...thanks DK>
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