Plain Wore Out

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Feb 4, 2013
Do you ever have days where you feel like dropping on the sofa or staying in bed for days do to fatigue?

These last few weeks have been very draining for me. To many errands and things I must do, like caring for my garden and yard, my mother and going to bible study. It seems even the days where I space out these little jobs and rest inbetween, I am still feeling very tired.

I am sitting here tonight trying to be a part of the forum, by seeing many topic's to get in on and share a good answer or two, but I am fighting sleep. I would like to blame it on the weather, but it has been cold, not sticky hot that usually makes me very tired.
I close my eyes for a second and my head drops from wearyness, and I wake up moments later wondering where I was in writing before sleep over took me.

I hope I improve soon. I have tomatoes to can and beans to pick. But for now I am too lazy to do much of anything. What say you? :)
I have those times too when I am a lot more wore out than others. I always have a lot going on and cannot slow down for my illness. It gets challenging for sure. I do hope you start to feel a little less worn out!
Yes, this is a common feeling. I probably do it once per week. Especially around this time of the year when the season is changing. What do you do to get out of this type of attempt to create a comfort zone in front of screens and the comforts of home?
Been there :/ and honestly, sometimes, I really do just sleep ALL DAY... and then all night as well. It hasn't happened in awhile, but when it does I do my best to listen to my body and what it may need. I then actively focus on boosting my nutrition and activity level to see if any are playing a part.
I try not to alloy myself to sleep all day from just Fibro. There have been occasions where I have a sickness on top of everything else and then I really dont have any choice. If I zonk out then thats just the kind of day I'm having. I cant really do it at work anyway! LOL they may turn a blind eye to a 5 minute eyes closed thing but a full on drooling snore-fest and someone may have something to say about that! LOL
I must say that living in a house with a yard has it's good points, such as the ability to have a small garden and tend to it often. This is something I missed having when I was renting a apartment. But somedays the work never seems to end. I got a small freezer and that has made doing the veggies up quite simple. But the other things just seem to come one after another and time to rest is few and far between.

I was sitting in my chair watching a video and suddenly both legs went tingly and numb. I thought not again, I do not have time for this, so I got up and forced myself to walk. The feeling went away, but it was a warning to me to slow down or else. Fibro puts such limits on activity that I often push myself to get things done.

I hope next week is better and I can relax more. :)
I hope next week is better and I can relax more. :)

I see you wrote this two weeks ago, 1sweed... has it been better for you since then? I hope you're having a good week with pain under control as much as it can be.

With the weather being cooler but not cold yet (well at least on the east coast), I'm thinking that maybe fibro flares from weather are at least being held to a minimum for those who have a problem with that aspect.
Yes, I have been feeling better in some respects, but am still pushiong to get things done before winter. This fall with help I put in raised garden beds to make the gardening easier next year. All level and no slope. The reason I do this garden is because one I love doing it and being outside in my yard. Second reason is my income is very small and so putting up a bit of food helps me save in the long run on my grocery bills. I love cooking and baking, so doing some canning helps me to learn new things as how to do this and that, and what not to do. lol While some of the work makes me hurt more, the rest of the work builds my self-esteem and keeps me from being depressed.

So today I am feeling better and wide awake, but last night I did a survey and fell asleep three times. lol I guess I need to go to bed earlier to avoid the keyboard slumber sessions. Thanks for asking. :)

If you legs are feeling tingly and numb while you sit, that is a very bad sign. I worry that you have limited blood flow. You can do small exercises to promote blood flow while sitting. Rotate your ankles in circles. Lift your feet at the ankle, lower them and repeat this ten times or more. You can also do knee bends if your legs are reclined on an ottoman. Pull your knees toward your stomach then extend them back to the reclining position. It helps your circulation.
Just to let you know the tingling and numb feeling lasted only a few minutes and then it was gone. In the past I have had symptoms like MS, with total inability to walk. That is why I freaked when the tingling started. I do leg and foot exercises to help with leg muscle pain and foot pain. But it was very kind of you to recommend them to me.

I have had testing done to see if I had circulation problems but was told everything was normal for my age. I do take water pills to prevent fluid from building up in my legs, but that is a different matter. Again thanks for your concerns. :)
Just to let you know the tingling and numb feeling lasted only a few minutes and then it was gone. In the past I have had symptoms like MS, with total inability to walk. That is why I freaked when the tingling started. I do leg and foot exercises to help with leg muscle pain and foot pain. But it was very kind of you to recommend them to me.

I have had testing done to see if I had circulation problems but was told everything was normal for my age. I do take water pills to prevent fluid from building up in my legs, but that is a different matter. Again thanks for your concerns. :)

I am glad to hear that your tingling was short lived. Mine usually lasts for at least thirty seconds. I'll have to look into water pills. Do you need a script for those or what? I've been trying to do calisthenics to stay flexible and prevent clotting.
Do you ever have days where you feel like dropping on the sofa or staying in bed for days do to fatigue?

These last few weeks have been very draining for me. To many errands and things I must do, like caring for my garden and yard, my mother and going to bible study. It seems even the days where I space out these little jobs and rest inbetween, I am still feeling very tired.

I am sitting here tonight trying to be a part of the forum, by seeing many topic's to get in on and share a good answer or two, but I am fighting sleep. I would like to blame it on the weather, but it has been cold, not sticky hot that usually makes me very tired.
I close my eyes for a second and my head drops from wearyness, and I wake up moments later wondering where I was in writing before sleep over took me.

I hope I improve soon. I have tomatoes to can and beans to pick. But for now I am too lazy to do much of anything. What say you? :)

I cannot afford to get that tired anymore. I used to work myself until I was really worn out and that always brings on a flare up. The weariness is too hard to shake when you have underlying problems and fibromyalgia is definitely an underlying problem.

If you feel yourself getting this tired a lot, try taking a vitamin B supplement. It gives a little lift to your nervous system without the jitters caused by caffeine..
Re: I have a cure for CFS

Chronic fatigue can only be cured by finding and eliminating the cause. I am able to do that and have cured it many times. The cause is not always the same for each person, nor is the remedy. If you want more information. Mike,

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I cannot afford to get that tired anymore. I used to work myself until I was really worn out and that always brings on a flare up. The weariness is too hard to shake when you have underlying problems and fibromyalgia is definitely an underlying problem.

If you feel yourself getting this tired a lot, try taking a vitamin B supplement. It gives a little lift to your nervous system without the jitters caused by caffeine..

This is sound advice. I stopped consuming caffeine and I recently incorporated vitamin B into my daily supplements. I have noticed a little spike in my energy though it could be the placebo effect.
You ask me about the water pills. Yes you need to get a script from your doctor, but they are only given if you really need them do to fluid building up in your legs, or from heart conditions. I take 1/2 a pill a day and if I skip a day my legs feel heavy and weaker along with the fibro problems.

I do better if I do not over do and lay around relaxing more, but I would sure miss the fun of pretty flowers and yummy veggies in my yard. But then, alas winter is almost here and I can be lazy all the time. :)
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