I use to have this issue (and sometimes do). The sound of snoring annoys me like no other. He found out he has sleep apnea. So when he wears his mask, it’s pretty easy to sleep. But, sometimes, he won’t wear it n I get mad!!!! I’m sorry, I tried for a year to find something and everyone has the solution, but nothing worked. Has he had a sleep apnea test? Previously, I kicked him to the couch n he had a physically laboring job, as well. He starts a new job today working first shift so he will be sleeping every night when I sleep. I feel your pain. When your sick n in pain you’re ready to scream or smack him with a pillow.
Oh my you hit the nail on the head there, for me it has got to be one of the most irritating noises ever, and when your in pain(so most of the time for us

) that patience string can be a lot shorter at times, the pillow bit made me laugh, i dont quite smack him with a pillow i just stuff them behind his back so he cant roll onto his back cus thats soooo much worse
Hes never had a sleep apnoea test, hes 25, but also a typical kiwi bloke who unless theres blood pouring out of him somewhere you wont get him in a doctors office. The more frustrating part is even if he did go get a sleep apnoea test and got a machine i know with a good amount of certainty that he wouldnt wear it, or would wear it a couple times, be uncomfortable and then not use, because he doesnt like the mouth guards or the snoring spray(its this point that makes me see red just a little bit, as im lying there in a crap tonne of pain, tired as hell and he doesnt want to either wear a mouth guard thats a wee bit uncomfortable, or use the snoring spray because it taste a bit gross.)
Most of the time i dont compare my pain or discomfort to others, in fact i actively work to not do this because my scope of reference is different having been crook for over 8 years, but in the middle of the night in a lot of pain and listening to him snore its definitely hard not to go to that place of 'youve got to be kidding me, you wont use something mildy uncomfortable or a bit unpleasant tasting knowing that im lying here in a crap tonne of pain and your snoring is making sleep even more impossible to achieve

And then in the morning im tired, and hes grumpy because ive told him to roll on his side a few times during the night(usually i only have to do this once and put pillows behind him, but some nights its multiple times)
I know sleep is so important for everyone I'm just struggling with getting him to understand that good sleep is important for both of us, and if he used the snoring aids then we would both get a good nights sleep because i wouldnt be asking him to roll over in the night, and when i wake up in the night id be able to get back to sleep.