Pain in left side of left below knee

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New member
Jun 12, 2022
In the past I have had this pain from time to time but it comes and goes. Now it has been almost 2 months - pain is worse at night - heat helps some - anyone else suffer like this?? Thank you!
You don't say if you have fibromyalgia or not. If you do, then pain that moves around the body is common. If you don't have fibro, then it could be any number of things, and getting it checked medically would be a good idea.
I am sorry - I should have said I do have Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I have had my leg x-rayed and my chiropractor has checked it out and there seems to be no reason for the consistent pain? Thank you for responding. Since it seems too to be worse at night it baffles me!
Well, truth is fibro is a baffling syndrome and no one really understands it.
Things you can try:
Ice pack
heating pad
TENS unit
Taking calcium and magnesium supplements
weighted blanket or the equivalent
careful and gentle stretching exercises before bed

Maybe others will have more suggestions.
Knee pain was one of the first symptoms to present for me. Occasionally I've had pain similar to your description. It's frustrating and can last month's before calming down. it makes life difficult but it's important to keep gently active and using the likes of ice packs to drown out the pain for a while.
thank you - geez thanks for all the suggestions most of them I am doing but forgot about the tens machine and some stretching before bed!!!
If diluted correctly, lavender oil can sometimes help with this if gently massaged on the affected area, and can help aid sleep. But like other things, always do a patch test, as although essential oils are readily available in shops, not all the oils are suitable for everyone (those contraindications get everywhere) 🧐. So I would also advise consulting an Aromatherapist and telling your doctor if you start using them as well.

Also, a pillow between the knees helps my dreaded leg pain. 😮‍💨
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Hi BeNice, and welcome in! 👋
I usually identify my pains around joints as being the tendons around them and always manage to find acupressure, trigger points or stretches which heal them. If none of my toolbox works, I type it into youtube. In your case putting your exact title comes up with interesting looking videos like "Knee Pain Types Explained | Royersford, PA | Limerick, PA" and "PAIN below the knee (Why is this happening?)" Even if these might not have perfect answers, they give us background, make us realize what it isn't, make us able to sense and describe it better. Using this and the new words learnt, we can look for further videos. Even faster I find is skipping the understanding part and just typing in "pain below knee" and then one of the words exercises, stretches, acupressure, trigger points or anything I know has helped me most in the past. There are so many good videos. Very usually by the 6th or 8th video at the latest I find something that helps, often the 3rd or 4th video. Sometimes I recognize people/channels that have helped me before, but often it varies.

You don't seem to have identified any triggers yet: Can you find out if something at night is making it worse, or if it just feels worse due to less distraction etc.? Can you exclude it being from walking or standing? Are there any actions you've found out yet that make it worse or better, even slightly? I'm not surprised the x-ray didn't find anything. If a chiropractor doesn't find anything, I might try an osteopath or an acupressurist. But actually youtube and my own experience has become more helpful in quicker time than these. My acupressurist helped more than several osteopaths, who also helped a little. But when I stopped those treatments and continued out on my own (incl. self-applied acupressure) I got several things down that had stumped my acupressurist for months, as well as anything new.
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I have pain & swelling around both of my knees & shins. Mine is due to arthritis & fibromyalgia. It’s not constant but does kick up from time to time. Life Flo Magnesium cream helps a lot as does CBD cream.
All the best to you
thank you JayCS - what a lot of wonderful information! I am really struggling right now. On Thursday I will be seeing a functional and integrated medicine doctor for the first time. I am really hoping for some answers and help. Thank you
Hopefully the doctor can help BeNice, it will be interesting to hear how you get on. (y)
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