Hi Sunshine. As far as other meds, ask your doctor to check out the University of Michigan's Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center. There is a link there for a presentation by Dr. Clauw, who has done quite a bit of fibro research. Most of it has been partially funded by drug companies, so there is a medication bias. It's about 90 minutes long and he talks about meds, including medical marijuana, that have some impact on pain.
As far as more natural methods, I second adding Vitamin D and Magnesium Malate to your regimen. Check out the University of Maryland's Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide and search for fibro. There is a good list there. They also recommend getting a thyroid test, T3 levels, which docs rarely order, as this may be low even if the standard TSH test is within "normal" range.
These are a couple good places to start that your conventional doc may view as more "legit" as they are from universities. Otherwise, there is a lot of information here in the forum of things folks have tried. Keep in mind that what works for some might not work for you. That's the "fun" part of fibro.
Get plenty of rest and relax. Once you've educated your doc (or found another good fibro doc), have a conversation about having him/her write a letter or complete a Family and Medical Leave Act Form if your company has more than 50 employees. This form should note your condition and the expectation that you may miss multiple days in any given time span from fibro related symptoms. This is to protect your job and your employer will need to accommodate your chronic illness. FMLA allows up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for a medical condition and that doesn't have to be continuous. If you have to take an extended time away from work, they do have the right to hire someone to replace to replace you, BUT they have to provide you with a comparable position when you return.