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Welcome to the forum, doctors not listening is something i can say most, if not all of us have experienced, i wish i had a one step answer for you but i don't, one thing that helped me getting doctors to understand was by keeping a log or diary of my symptoms, periodically throughout the day recording your pain score out of 10. Unfortunately because fibro as well as many other conditions are so poorly understood and are complex, finding a doctor who will listen, or better who has experience is not easy, but it is possible. My best suggestion if you can would be to connect with others in your area(this forum could help with that) who have successfully found a doctor that will listen and help.

The only other thing i can say is your not alone, most of us have experienced this issue, and we are all here to talk when you need it
How do i get the Doctors to understand? Pain is constant and nobody listens. I'm new to forums and seeking advice, help manage this.

thanks for reading

If you are seriously unhappy with your doctor, it's possible that the best thing is to get a new one.
But understand? Maybe that's a lot to ask because no one will truly understand unless they have had a condition like fibro. You can, however, find one who will listen and believe you.

Here are my personal tips for getting a doctor to listen and believe:

Write down your worst symptoms, and keep it to only 5 r 6 or so. A long list will make most doctors tune out.
Tell honestly how you are feeling. sometimes it helps to describe it in terms like "I feel tingling and burning sensations in my legs and my back aches as if something were pressing down on it all the time" other words, specific descriptions.
Say how often you feel these pains.
Say how long this has gone on.
Have it all written down. Be succinct. Do not get emotional.
Don't ramble or repeat yourself. Have what you want to say written down, if necessary, and read it out loud to keep yourself from saying things more than once or going off in a tangent, which is very easy to do.
Don't go off script or talk about how terrible this is in your life, or how other people are reacting.
Just stick to the facts, and report them like sports scores or something: very plain language, short and to the point.'
If you know what you want from the doctor, such as your current medication doesn't work so you want to try something else, then ask for that.
But don't get mad if they say no. that won't get you anywhere.

If there is anything else we can help you with let us know.