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Sep 8, 2015
I have been looking for a place to talk to people who understand what I go through on a daily basis. I was diagnosed with fibro in January of this year(2015). I had recently changed drs. because my original dr didnt know what was wrong and my new dr immediately sent me to an RA and she asked me how long I had had fibro. Imagine my shock. But at least now my Dr has gotten me on meds and it seems the thing I have the hardest time with is (besides the flare ups ) is the memory problems. On bad days its REALLY bad and on good days not so much. Im never pain free but then Ive been dealing with it for years just never knew what it was. Any suggestions on help with memory. I went through alot of depression in the last 6 months... any suggestions on coping would be appreciated, thanks.
I'm trying to figure this out myself. My short term memory just makes me crazy some days. One day I couldn't even remember the word "fibromyalgia " and I just sat there frozen trying and trying to get the word out. It's just horrible. I would love to hear if others have found some cures. I have tried to cope by being super organized with lists so I remember what tasks I said I would do in a meeting, or what things I need to accomplish today. I can look at the list and 2 minutes later not remember what was on it. This might end up being the thing that ends my career more than the pain and fatigue!
Welcome to the forum .ok when I was first told I had Fibro I so tired out through no sleep. And then I had all these pills .and they made my memory really bad for a good few months.
Until I got used to the meds or in my case changed a few ,I could t remember a thing .i even forgot how to get home one day.
So pills lack of proper sleep, and the illness will make your memory rubbish.
Even now after all these years I still can't remember much short term memory.ask me what someone said yesterday and I can't help you.
I promise after a while you will be so used to it it won't bother you so much.
That or you will forget what you were working about hehe.
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