New to Forums And Fibro


New member
Oct 9, 2024

I am a 20 year old female who was just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am currently in that limbo stage where I am trying to get confirmation that it is what it truly is. Doctors also thought for a while it could possibly be Lupus but then some are saying it’s Fibromyalgia. I have been to 4 different Rheumatologist and I am onto my 5th on now. They seemed to never truly take me seriously with one diagnosing me with Hyper Mobility and saying that that was the cause for all my pain and other symptoms. The dismissive attitudes I have felt from most doctors once all the tests have come back fine have truly affected me in a profound way. I have been in the ER multiple times for not being able to move or eat due to pain along with excessive vomiting and each time they have sent me home and said I was fine. I have been to a Hematologist and got diagnosed with Anemia and low iron resulting in iron transfusions which overall did help with the energy levels.

I am just here to be able to not feel as alone in this whole process and hopefully find some relief in ways other people have found beneficial. Let me know if you can relate to the extensive process it takes to get a diagnoses and I pray that we can all find relief in the future!
Greetings to you, @afraikin , and welcome to the forum.
Many of us here can relate to what you are going through. Getting a diagnosis has been known to take a very long time and be a brutal experience, with many doctors still so uninformed that they dismiss patients and do not believe what they say. This is very sad and frustrating.

One thing I want to say to you is this: Try hard not to let the opinions of and treatment by those uninformed doctors affect you too much. Here's the thing: you know what you know. You know you are not making anything up. You know what you are experiencing is real. You know who you are and what is going on with you. They don't know. So it's they who are in the wrong, and it is they who are uninformed and you do not need to let their bad treatment of you make you feel like less of a person than you are.

You are a strong woman or you wouldn't even be able to deal with the kinds of things you have to face daily with fibro, or whatever it is that is going on for you. Those doctors don't have to deal with what you have. Take heart. Know that you are not alone, and you can come here any time and write to us and we'll respond and be supportive of you.

There are things you can do to help yourself that don't involve doctors. I wrote a post about this, offering suggestions. It's at the top of the General forum section. Maybe if you read it you will find something you think is worth a try. Unfortunately, there is no cure and there's no medication that works for everyone, nor any one thing that helps us all. We each have to find what works for us. We are here to help you to find what works for you.
Hi @afraikin Welcome to the forums 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

I am just here to be able to not feel as alone in this whole process
That is indeed what I have found to be the best thing about these forums. We all understand, so no need to explain everything, we get it. ;)

Just knowing I am not alone, learning from others what they experience, ways they find of coping .....all this helps considerably. I am sure you will find the same.

Please enjoy the forums, drop in wherever you like.

one tip I learnt, to get a particular persons attention, put the @ symbol before their name, as I have above.

again, welcome :):)