I recommend a good browse around the threads and posts. And whether a person is newly diagnosed or like yourself, been living with fibromyalgia for years, I recommend Sunkacolas post, My advice Living with fibromyalgia. I still come back to it to read again.
I hope you will find this a helpful and supportive forum. Do ask anything,generally someone who can help. Take care
Welcome to the forum, @Marysxx .
Feel free to ask any questions you may have, to ask for support, or just to vent if you need to. That's what we are here for.
Here is a link to the post that @SBee mentions:
I am not a doctor or anything, just a person who has lived with fibromyalgia for several years now and has done a lot of research and trial and error experimentation. What follows is just basics. There are a lot of variations. You will find your own versions of everything I say, as this is not a prescription and there are no guarantees. But I believe that if you can do these things, it will improve the quality of your life.
First thing to remember is that Fibro is not a death sentence and if you learn how to manage it, it will very possibly not always be as bad as it is now.