New member


New member
Sep 10, 2024
Hi, it is so helpful to know that I am not the only one suffering with all the issues, I was diagnosed 10 years ago after years of going to the doctors complaining of different symptoms . Luckily I had a new doctor who said he would have diagnosed me years ago, my condition is getting worse and don’t think people have any understanding how debilitating fibromyalgia is, I have even had comments that it’s a made up condition doctors use when they don’t know what is wrong with you,which is not helpful. It’s nice that I can see others who do know what I’m going through.
Hi @Dolly777

Welcome to the forums. Your comments echo pretty much everyone on here, so you are in good company 🤗 🤗 🤗

Feel free to jump in anywhere, it is the interaction on the forums that spreads the support both ways. Enjoy :)