New member


Jun 20, 2024
Hi Everyone,

I am glad to have found this forum. I am 50 years old and had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as a teen. Symptoms started at least in the toddler stages, but was chalked up to growing pains for many years. The progression throughout the years is something else!

I recently quit my full time job due to stress and a terrible flare up, especially with brain fog. I'm currently in a "I'm not sure what to do from here stage." 🤷‍♀️

Thanks for this forum and any support!
hello and welcome.
A good place to start with what to do from here is to read the Advice For Newcomers post at the top of the General forum.
Hopefully it will be helpful to you.
Hi @SarieLarie
Just wanted to say hello and welcome. I recognise the ' growing pains ' assumption. I think many of us realise some of the symptoms we have with fibromyalgia can be recognisable from far earlier in our lives, but we're simply dismissed.

Brain fog can be a right pig. It's been quite bad for me the last couple of weeks. When my pain and fatigue is worse all other symptoms seem to ramp up.
There are so many threads on here that may be of use to you - but always ask anything. There's generally some one who can identify with you or offer support and advice.
SarieLarie, wow we've had members on having fibro at young ages (childhood) but never experiencing that young, I can't imagine what it must've been like having fibro at such a young age with no diagnosis (or any kind of treatment trials/test) how are you now?, and welcome to our forum
☕🍰🌹(hope you find it a nice place to be)
Thank you for the welcome to the forum, Auriel. I had a horrible experience with Scarlet fever as a newborn from what my mother told me and I often wonder if that's why I had Fibro symptoms so young. I'm not entirely sure, but feel it could be related.
That's the annoying thing with fibro (well 1 of a few annoying thing's) it's sometimes hard for some of us to pinpoint what could have caused it? (For me i feel the trauma of narcissistic abuse and prolonged unmedicated/ undiagnosed auto thyroid were factors in mine) that's probably one of the reasons why it's so hard for the medical field to get a handle on how to fix this 🙄 (so young though, so youmg) must've took lot of childhood fun time/play time away (apart from the pain, and fatigue, what annoys me the most is the effect it has on the social part of my life)
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That's awful, that must have been so hard on you. It would be great if we had answers for it all. Yes, not much of a social life over here either. It gets tiring explaining how I don't feel well enough to do things.