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New member
Jun 10, 2014
Hi All..
I'm 52 years old with a 20 yr history of drug - resistant depression. I even went thru a round of electro convulsive treatments. Over the last 2 years I've also been dealing with some other issues. I had a hernia repair and then dealt with months of recurrent zero mas (fluid build up) which led to an abdominal wall reconstruction.

About 2 months ago I started having pain on my neck, starting just under my hairline which then spread to my throat and upper chest. I chalked it up to all the stress from my other health issues. But the hydrocodone did nothing for the pain. It then spread to my shoulders and in between my shoulder blades. Now it's spread to arms and legs. I also have IBS.

My GP prescribed Gabapentin, but the dose doesn't seem to work very well. I am overweight and the doc told me to walk 20 minutes everyday, but that's hard to do most days because of pain. She hasn't actually diagnosed me with FM but from research I know that's what it is.

Does anyone wake up fine, rush around and gets errands and stuff done, then finish up and the pain just washes over you? I know I'm rambling, but I'm really scared that this will actually be FM. I'm the single mother of a wonderful 11 year old boy. I've already missed out on stuff with him over the last few years and I am really scared I will miss out more and then it's off to college and he'll be gone. Not sure how to cope.
Julie, Welcome to the site. I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time. What I'm learning is that many some differences. I'm struggling to even get out of bed. I have such fatigue, I haven't been able to work a full day in months. Try not to get too stressed about whether you have it or not. If you do, you're still the same person, you just need to figure a way to work with what life has handed you. I too have a young daughter. She'll be 13 on September 11th (yep, the day). I know it's been scary for her, but try to be open with what is going on with me. We have tried to do things that aren't too exhausting. She's been resistant to helping more around the house, but most kids don't like chores. I have to be more firm. I still don't ask much, but she's starting to become the young teen. Oh boy.....

So, hang in there. You sound like a very strong individual. I know you be okay no matter what your diagnosis, you will find a way to give your son the best support. I know I have had to force myself to do things when my body just doesn't seem to want to move. I've made a commitment I'm going to try my best. I've still missed a few things, but have managed more with my new resolve.....Take care and let us know how you're doing.....Terbaer
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