New member really struggling with RLS and fatigue


New member
Sep 19, 2024
Diagnosed about 6 months back after years of tests and scans, main issue is my GP did not really understand Fibromyalgia and I from reading up lead the trials of meds until I recently had my referral to pain clinic, I am currently taking venlafaxine and tramadol but not touching the pain and restless body and legs are relentless, I was on cocodamol with pregablan and meloxicam which was making me so tired occupational health got involved as affected me at work as am holding down a full time job (just).

Can anyone relate


We can all relate, whether we have the same exact symptoms or the same treatments or not. Fibromyalgia is not an easy thing to manage. I held down full time jobs and then had my own business for 10 years, one that was very demanding both mentally and physically, all while dealing with fibro, so I understand how hard that can be. I hope that knowing you are not alone and reading about the experiences of others, receiving support and understanding will help you.
Diagnosed about 6 months back after years of tests and scans, main issue is my GP did not really understand Fibromyalgia and I from reading up lead the trials of meds until I recently had my referral to pain clinic, I am currently taking venlafaxine and tramadol but not touching the pain and restless body and legs are relentless, I was on cocodamol with pregablan and meloxicam which was making me so tired occupational health got involved as affected me at work as am holding down a full time job (just).

Can anyone relate


Most doctors have no clue. We all are trying to figure out what works, and then in time some meds prove ineffective and we try again. Have you tried pure magnesium oil or lotion for the ever-so-annoying restless leg problem? I have a bottle I shake first and spray on my calves and it works amazingly great.
Aw, why were you anxious James (not scary are we? 😄) welcome to the forum 🍻🥞👍🏻, yes they tested me on all kinds of things (from antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and anti- epileptics) I was without my usually gabapentin past few day's (due to a delay) but as I left a few things out of my diet I "actually" managed ok (which is a wonder for me) 1st experience with a dr about my fibro was unforgettable (told me it was all in my head) i do so hope you find something that helps (i know even for the slightest improvement we're so grateful in the group) ps, well done for taking the leap to post 🎉👍🏻