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New member
Feb 20, 2014
:mad: I have recently retired and moved to DC. Could not work full time anymore with this condition. I believe I know exactly when and under what conditons this syndrome occurred and would like to talk to someone in research to see if this data would be helpful. Has anyone else experienced this or know whom I may contact in the area of research?
Hello moonbi and welcome! I don't know anyone doing research but I am curious as to how you know when your fibro began. I think mine began when I fell and suffered a compression fracture in my back several years ago. My symptoms began not long after and have gradually increased over time. Good luck with your search.
A big welcome from me as well :) Can't help you with the research either, but I hope someone else will offer advice.
I don't know of any research. I'm new to the forum, as of yesterday, but have found it helpful. One of the biggest stresses I'm experiencing right now is worrying about working (or not) with the condition. I have many issues that are making it difficult to work, pain, fatigue, colitis, insomnia, headaches/migraines. Just when I think I'm doing better, the rug gets pulled out from under me and I'm down for multiple days. I'm a budget manager for the state and don't have enough years in yet to retire (almost 29 years). I'm also too young. How did you get to the point where you determined you couldn't work full-time? Did you find something completely different part-time or are you a lucky retiree? Were you financially able to do it, or did you have to make sacrifices?

If these questions are too personal, you don't have to answer. I'm slowly working through acceptance of the diseases I have and really want quality with my family and don't want to let work down. I think it makes me feel worse. Any insight is appreciated.....Thanks Moonbj...
Welcome to the forum. You might want to try the various National Fibromyalgia Associations, by doing a web search, for the research being done. Otherwise I invite you to stay here and join in on the forum discussions and learn some new coping skills and ways to relieve stress.
Please feel fee to ask any question you may have and know we will all try to help you cope with this illness. :)
In answer to your question, I gave up my business of a housecleaning service when all the strength in my arms and legs gave out. I was unable to do the job without dropping items and my ability to think clearly was lost. I could do no other work in this condition. I suffered greatly for it from an unbelieving husband and relatives. My marriage did not last and I applied for SSD and finally got it after 7 years of appeals. And while waiting I was financially dependant on close friends for room and board, and food. I still do not earn enough to survive on my own without help from my family. It is a hard decision, but sometimes we do not make the decision, the illness does it for us. :)
Thank you for your story 1sweed. How difficult that must have been. I'm glad you had friends you could depend on. I hope your family opened their eyes to your need. I feel like a yo-yo. At times, I think "Ya, I can keep doing this. I'm uncomfortable, but functionable.", then the next morning it's, "I can't do this anymore." The condition has been winning the battle more and more. I was just curious how others survived....One day at a time, I imagine.....
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