New member but old time FMer

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New member
Dec 22, 2021
Hi All. Been reading some threads over the years but finally dec to join. I’m an old duffer (85) and have had FM for probably 40+ years. I was first diagnosed in about 1990 but then had that overturned because I did not respond to the new press points idea I would guess about 2000. So suffered with pain until a doctor said I did not have sciatic. Was again diagnosed in 2015 the ma bene beei I new what was happening.

My symptoms are qui typical including migraines (since I was a child) and IBS. Brain fog and whole body pain are worst. I am getting mig relief from Botox injections: It doesn’t cure them, I gpet the auras but very mild headaches. Lots of fiber in diet helps with IBS.

Enough for now
Hi Gally: Good to see you've found your way inside here after all that 😏8-)
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