New member and need support

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Apr 17, 2017
Hi, I'm new to forums and have never discussed my illnesses with strangers before. I am so alone with my new diagnosis of FM from a rheumatologist. I have been suffering for years and put it down to arthritis. My GP is too busy, my husband thinks it's just pain so take a pill, my friends are dropping off one by one as I am no longer fun to be with. I have just read about a link with wheat/gluten intolerance and I am astounded. Who do I talk to that I won't bore with my ailments?
Hi you sound just like me I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in January 2017 and my husband thinks it's all in my head and says he understands but sometimes it seems like he doesn't, he says when I can't do housework or get a job that I'm making excuses I have constant pain all over especially my arms,hands and legs so struggle around the house 😡
Hiya & welcome. I'm not new to fibro symptoms but was only fairly recently diagnosed. Most days I'm in denial. Like yesterday, the weather was good so I did some shopping, cooking, cleaning & then felt like I'd been hit by a truck for the rest of the night, didn't get a wink of sleep either, great fun having fibro! I only have one GP who has been really helpful but he's on long term sick leave. My husband doesn't understand at all & is usually on the receiving end of my crazy mood swings. My sister has just come through the other side of breast cancer & it feels a bit selfish complaining of pain or feeling down about having such a crap life some days. It's very lonely indeed. Everyone here is in the same boat & we're all at very different stages of fibro but you've come to the right place for some great advice, understanding and a laugh too. I read a post on Facebook about someone elses fibro fog & it made me laugh because it rung so true to me. I hope you get as much out of the forum as I have so far ��
Thanks for taking the time to reply, Lou38 and Bunnyg. I know what you mean about the housework as I'm in a similar position. Because I have small bursts of energy to clean, it's hard for others to imagine why I didn't finish the job. I feel that by explaining, I just sound like someone making excuses so I am trialling not making apologies! To have found a place to communicate with other sufferers who understand is a great comfort. Your kind words have given me hope. Thank you.
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That's the same as me I've suffered for years and thought it might be arthritis as it runs in the family and has tests last year and then in January I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and my husbands the same he thinks just take a pill and I'll be all FIXED!!!!! 😡😡
The trouble is that I do have osteoarthritis and old knee and shoulder injuries along with bursitis in the hips so I'm not always sure which pain means what....not that it matters, I suppose. A naturopath once told me that all healing begins in the gut and since I am gluten sensitive this causes IBS symptoms which is always a challenge. To others I have always been the carer and comforter and had many friends coming to me with their problems to sort out one on one. Since I have been reluctant to go out much in case I 'overdo it' I'm finding I see less and less of them.
Hi ,,,its us sensitive types who have always cared for others that often seem to get this does hurt when we get this'hit by a truck' illness and then the ones we have stood by drop off one by one when we can't keep up and aren't as much if at all sometimes.

partners and husbands it's so difficult...they do often start off impatient and think 'take a pain pill' in times try expaining from information and fibro letters online so they can read about how it affects us..just google fibromyalgia pain and even if you look under images there are lloads of short captions that describe our lives..and ofcourse much more in other places including videos on utube.

Its a slow in particular want to fix things or get annoyed!

Take care and welcome.
Thank you so much for that insight. There is a certain weird comfort in finally getting a diagnosis, even though it's a life sentence. I can move forward now and, yes, educating others or encouraging them to read about it as well will be a good thing. From the reading I have done so far, I'm not convinced about the hypothesis of a problem with pain signals.....seems like a cop-out theory to me....It's so much more than that. Also that theory would indicate that I have a low pain threshold, which I just don't. The argument has been raised "how would you know, my love" and I have no answer to that. I have been physically strong....long time ago...
Thank you for making me feel welcome here. x
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum today. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia nearly 9 years ago. I had it real bad for the 1st 4 years and then it got better. I still had the condition but the symptoms where a lot milder and didn't last for long when it was at it's worst.

Recently starting just before Christmas last year it has started to come back really bad. And I am going through a flare right now. This one is really bad with a lot of pain. Today is hell and I am trying to do things to take my mind off the pain but it is hard especially with the tiredness as well. So I am alone and need support at the moment. You need not feel alone, we all suffer badly with this condition from time to time. Sometimes is worse than others and we all need support and other to vent too or just to talk too for reassurance . So Peaceandquiet Talk if you need too I am always listening :-)
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Hi Peaceandquiet,

Welcome to the forum! I'm sorry your feeling lonely and I hope when u come on here that will help you.
There's so much information that can help you if your newly diagnosed.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

Have you tried ssd? Social security Disability? Dont wait due to pride like I did. If you have worked a certain amount of days in the last 5 yrs you may qualify. I unfortunatly waited to long. Now I may have to hire a lawyer. When we win the lotto right?
Hi, I'm new to forums and have never discussed my illnesses with strangers before. I am so alone with my new diagnosis of FM from a rheumatologist. I have been suffering for years and put it down to arthritis. My GP is too busy, my husband thinks it's just pain so take a pill, my friends are dropping off one by one as I am no longer fun to be with. I have just read about a link with wheat/gluten intolerance and I am astounded. Who do I talk to that I won't bore with my ailments?

Your not alone! Welcome aboard!
Wait.....should I say that? Like its some ship we all walk on to?
I wanted to tell you," your not lazy, your not boring, and your not useless. Turn this ship around ( Now ! Look for the positive in anything you can.) I have 3 little doggies they consume me, but I enjoy animals. They give me unconditional love. I'm a careing person, so I try to help any way I can, even if its just to offer up a tall glass of Ice tea, water, or lemonaid. I look around my house and think.....ok whats my top priority. The dirty bathroom? Days I can clean top to bottom, other days, I just get the toilet clean, or maybe the tub.

You get what Im trying to say?
In a nutshell,,,,dont let others, or worse yet, yourself, get you down.

If I can encourage you please let me know. You can private message me any time. I usually check my mail every day.
Wow, nice welcome note, moe1959. I hear you loud and clear. The ship has turned thanks to you. I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore and helping others has always been my strong I'm bringing back the old me.
As for the disability benefits, I'm not able to do that right now for lots of reasons but thanks for your thoughts on that.
The offer for private messaging is most generous. When I work out how to use it, I will. For now, I'm struggling with the public forum idea as I don't even like Facebook, I'm that much of a shy and private person. I realise anyone in the world can read this and that is quite a problem for me.
Me too peaceandquiet and i am very private person and also don't do facebook and sometimes suddenly become aware how much personal information i have posted on here and forget its a public i get lulled into thinking im privately chatting to a few fibro friends.
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