New here!


New member
Oct 8, 2024

I decided to sign up today and really appreciate that there is this forum for those with FMS.

I was diagnosed in 2007 and there was nothing around by way of support. In fact I would always hope to bump into someone else with Fibro when visiting my Rheumatologist but never did. It was a lonely time and as a consequence I just went into denial and never spoke about it. It is only now that invisible disabilities are now spoken about in the mainstream, that I am willing to open up a little. It feels good to be able to find my voice. I have a choice to tell others or as the case often is, I do not bother as I will only be told...yes you guessed it, "you don't look sick...." {exaggerated eye-roll} or "..I used to have that, but I cured it by changing my diet...."

Anyway. I am really glad to be here and I am feeling uplifted already :)
hi @sinkorswim welcome to the forums 🤗

I'm sure being on the forums will indeed help you swim :):):)

Another common one a few years back "it's all in your head, you're fine" or "it's bad nerves, here's some tablets"

Feel free to join in anywhere you feel inclined.
thank you, @sinkorswim :)

My head's a bit off with the fairies tonight, but I wanted to make you feel noticed ;)

A couple of tips I've learnt on here. If you want a particular person to get a message, put the @ symbol before their name, as you see I've done with yours.

Also, quite a few on here, myself included, can have trouble reading posts that are like a large block of words. You'll come across some and know what I mean. Just hit the enter key a couple of times to give a break between paragraphs when there's a lot of writing.

I'm sure just seeing that others share the same sorts of issues you have and we all understand each other, and the lack of criticism between people on here, that I've found has helped me heaps and I'm sure it will do the same for you ;)🤗:)