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Active member
Apr 10, 2015
Hello everyone! I was diagnosed 3 months ago. It was a relatively quick diagnosis once I went to the doctor with my symptoms. I've gone through a lot of emotional stages and am now feeling kind of helpless and resigned. It is difficult to keep doing the things that are supposed to help because they don't seem to have any lasting effect. There seems to be so much I "should" be doing and simply don't have the emotional or physical energy to do. I am looking forward to finding others who understand the trials of this disease.
welcome. you can learn a lot there. please read my two posts under general discussions. "starting a daily log book" start this right away.
"what is fibromyalgia" this will help you understand you pain and how to explain it to family.

looking forward to your posts.

we can do this together!
Didn't you have an MRI or CAT scan? These symptoms can also be caused by MS or Lupus, Lyms (sp?),and a couple others.
Rural - I did not have MRI OR CT Scan. I had a ton of blood work done. My ANA was a very low positive, and my Rheumy was very confident of the diagnosis. I am self insured so I am leery of excessive tests. Do you think the MRI and CT scan are important?

That is a question for your Dr. Most everyone has had one or the other or both at least to rule out other things, which when you think about is necessary to be on the "right" meds, for work or disability. Perhaps you could discuss why not instead of why.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I think your doctor is approaching your illness in a way that gives time for any other diagnosis to present it's self. When all blood work comes out normal then often times fibro is the right answer. Sometimes all symptoms of a illness are not standing out and if something more serious is going to become known it will in time. In the meantime the best thing you can do for yourself is begin self-management of your condition.

Learn all you can on how to manage each symptom you have, as @cmetryme, has said start a daily log book of symptoms and feelings of pain as in how bad and include any chronic symptom that does not go away. Read the posts, new and old, under the topic's that effect you the most. Practice relaxation methods and don't over do. Ask questions and add your thoughts to other members posts. Make friends here of people who truly understand how you feel mentally and physically. And know most of all you are not alone and we are happy you found us. :)
Hello everyone! I was diagnosed 3 months ago. It was a relatively quick diagnosis once I went to the doctor with my symptoms. I've gone through a lot of emotional stages and am now feeling kind of helpless and resigned. It is difficult to keep doing the things that are supposed to help because they don't seem to have any lasting effect. There seems to be so much I "should" be doing and simply don't have the emotional or physical energy to do. I am looking forward to finding others who understand the trials of this disease.

Hi, Cindykay!

I am new here too, and dealing with the same issues. I am here for you if you need to talk about things.
Wow - I SOOO appreciate all of you and your messages! 1sweed- the idea of giving it time makes a lot of sense to me. I had a bad episode with chronic fatigue about 20 yrs ago and had MRIs and CT scans and when they found nothibg the docs dismissed me as a neurotic. �� This time at least I am being taken seriously! It is so hard to be patient, and there seems to be so much to do right when Inam too tired and foggy to do anything! Arelle- thank you for your offer of an ear. I am here for you as well!
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