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New member
Dec 2, 2013
My name is Carly. I am 30 years old and for the past 8 months or so I have had pretty bad pain in certain areas of my body along with physical symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, anxiety. I had some tests done and was sent to a Rheumatologist because of a positive on the ANA test. I have many symptoms of Lupus but instead was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The doctor decided to treat me for Lupus anyway because it will be easier to get a diagnosis if the medicine starts working for me. These health issues have made it hard for me to do everything I have been trained for in Cosmetology. I am a month away from graduating and I can't even make it through one haircut without being in pain. And then there are the days where I am too physically tired to do anything. I can literally sleep for over 14 hours. My depression could be a part of that of course. My doctor suggested that I apply for partial disability (is that even possible?) but I feel that being as young as I am, they will not take me seriously. I feel like I have wasted the past year and a half in Cosmetology school. I already got a late start with being the age that I am. My last job was in retail and I ended up leaving right around the time the pain started so I could focus on school. I am not sure what to do at this point. I want to be able to work, but I am not sure if my body can handle doing hair full time. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am not familiar with disability and didn't discuss it much with the doctor that suggested it. I just feel like I am too young for this to be happening :( I feel like if I did apply for disability and received it that I'd be taking away from someone who is truly deserving of it. I'd really appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. Thanks!
It seems that fibro can start at any age and sometimes it improves with rest. I hope in some form or fashion you can finish your schooling, so at least you have that on record and maybe can do something in that field that is a little less stressful. I can understand the pressure your under and yes, that depression can help cause the fatigue and worthless feelings that often go with it, but you can decide to fight against it by being strong and brave in spirit. Will your teachers help you get through the courses in Cosmetology? Could you do nails or make-up with skin care, as an option to cutting hair? If you explain what is going on they might help you finsh the course without losing out all you have worked for?

When I went through the testing for fibro, I was told that a high ANA test determined you had Lupus. That is what surprizes me when so many with high ANA's end up with the diagnosis of fibro instead. But you said that your doctor is sticking with the Lupus, as it is easier to get the treatments and meds you need. That is the sign of a caring doctor. :)

Anyways, welcome to the forum. I am sure other members will have tips on helping you with the rest of your questions and feel free to ask more, as well as, post around the forum. You will find a great amount of coping skills that will help you manage your illness. Glad you are here and I hope you will feel at home as you move around the forum. :)
YES! Apply for disability NOW. My sister is in a very similar boat. Lupus can get you disability, and so can fibromyalgia (if you know the proper channels and are very patient). You should apply now because the clock starts ticking upon your first application. Even if they deny you, when they do approve you (and with work they will) the back pay should go back to the application date. That can help with any debt you may inccur while attempting to get on disability.

I am sorry to hear about your situation. I know how stressful it is to a get sort of diagnosis. There are pros and cons of diagnosing it as lupus, so just be aware of both conditions and stay in charge of your health. I know it is hard to do when you feel exhausted and even the smallest of actions might cause the greatest of pains. Your health must be prioritized over all else. It is nice to meet you! Welcome.
Carly, I'm really sorry to hear you are going tru such a hard time! I'm quite young as well and struggling with other health issues apart from fibro. I know how depressing it can get. There are some bad and good days! But more bad days than good ones :( I try to stay as positive as possible. I really believe you need to apply for disability, you really deserve it! It sounds like you are in great pain, so you should really do what is best for you. Right now applying for disability is the best choice for you, so if I were you... I'd go for it!
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