Hi Lou, and welcome.
The way to determine whether or not you actually have fibro is to be tested for all of the (many) other things that can cause the same symptoms. You can find a list of all of these by looking online. If your tests for all of those things come back negative, or if there are distinguishing characteristics of any of those that are absolutely not present in your condition and therefore rule them out, then your doctor may come up with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Having the diagnosis is only so helpful, though, since there's no treatment for it that works for everyone, and there's no cure known as yet. It gives you something to write on insurance forms, and that's about it. but it also rests your mind to some degree, because you know it's a real thing. Not that you don't already know that.
How to control the pain is different for everyone. So no one can say, "do this, and you will have control over the pain!". You can take strong drugs, but that is not wise, because most of the things that will actually have an effect are addictive and that is not a road you want to take. some people, in person and in forums and online and in youtube videos will tell you that this or that exercise, or supplement, or whatever, cured them and you can do that too. don't believe it. But do try everything that seems reasonable to you, after checking it out with your doctor and making sure it's not potentially harmful or a scam. Don't spend a whole lot of money for something being touted online as some kind of miracle....there aren't any, and if it says it is and wants your money, it's a scam.
There are definitely things you can do that will help, but the thing is you have to find out for yourself what those things are and that takes careful experimentation. It takes time and effort, but it's worth it. I wrote a whole post on that; please check it out.
Many people here are dealing with this and have found ways that help them to manage it. You can too, and you will find support here as well as information. We are here to help.
I am not a doctor or anything, just a person who has lived with fibromyalgia for several years now and has done a lot of research and trial and error experimentation. What follows is just basics. There are a lot of variations. You will find your own versions of everything I say, as this is not a...