Neck and shoulder pain

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May 8, 2013
Hi I am new to this forum and newly diagnosed. My worst symptoms are neck and shoulder pain. It gets so bad sometimes that I can't move my neck or lay on the side that hurts the most with my shoulders. I just started taking Cymbalta and it is helping. Is there something that any of you do to ease the pain. I would like to find some way to get relief. I have two children with autism so I can't afford to feel like this because they need me.
Has your doctor diagnosed the source of your pain?

I ask because, depending on the source, you may need to change your body mechanics, allowing you to care for your children without re-injuring yourself or aggravating your pain.
The doctor seems to think it's the fibromyalgia. I also have degenerative disc disease. I had xrays done of my shoulder and nothing showed up on them. My husband helps alot but he has RA and I know that he has his own issues. The boys are older and it's not as demanding as it was when they were younger but there are still times when they really need our help.
Hi there, welcome to the forum. I suffer with neck and back pain a lot and there are a few things that can really help with the pain. One is using a heating pad. Another is heating wet towels in the microwave for a few (50) seconds not hot enough to burn you, but warm enough you can easily pick it up and place around your neck or lay on your back. If your worried about the heat being to hot, lay a thin dry towel between you and the wet towel, for added protection. There is something about warm moist heat that helps remove the pain and relaxes those areas and muscles.

Another thing that helps is having a vibrating pad or mat that you can lay down on and have the feeling of roller action from your neck to your lower back. Some come with a heat element included. But it is the vibration through a rolling action feeling that helps reduce pain. I have one that has several different speeds and ways of pin-pointing areas that need the most attention. these things seem to help me the most. And of course taking time to relax when you can. Hope you feel better soon. :)
@ becwright67,

Did you take LaMaze classes while pregnant? If so, you might try finding some quiet time to sit and practice relaxing the muscles at the base of your neck and shoulders.

I had LaMaze training when I had my sons, but my relaxation technique got better after taking Belly (Balady) Dance classes. The dance is based on isolated muscle movements and LaMaze trains us to relax our muscles, conserving energy and controlling our reaction to the pain of childbirth.

I should have thought of this sooner, but I'm glad it finally fought its way to my frontal lobes!
Thank you everyone for your advice. My youngest son is 12 so it's been awhile since I took Lamaze .lol I will definetly use some of your suggestions.
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