My symptoms tick all the boxes for fibromyalgia!

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Dec 14, 2022
Hi, I have had a eureka moment this evening looking at the symptoms online of fibromyalgia.

For months on and off have had pain in both shoulders/tops of arms, back of legs/knees, wrists, hands, hips, lower back and neck. I've been feeling like something is very wrong and I'm dying!. It is effecting my sleep and mood. It was really confusing that the pain could change so much from day to day and even hour to hour!. I even thought it could be the menopause at one time. Pain killers do nothing to help the pain.

I'm seeing the doctor on Friday and will put to them that I think it may be fibromyalgia, hopefully they will follow the lead! I thought it was nerve pain up until I saw the symptom list as it didn't feel like the actual joints were painful. At one point in the early stage I got up in the night with my leg bent and couldn't straighten it or put any weight on it but sciatica is usually on one side not both and certainly not the shoulders!. Also bad is the hand pain/weakness.

This is a weird one but sometimes when I swallow it's like a painful lump on the left side but then it will just stop later on.

Sorry for rambling on but it feels great to maybe finding out what this is!.

We've had a stressful 6 months (were moving house but it's fallen through) and I wonder if that started it off!?.

I've had all these horrible thoughts going through my head thinking cancer etc I've even got a call booked with the bowel team soon as I had bloods etc done for abdominal and lower back pain but even that is on the list!?.

Thanks for reading my ramble, any opinion on if you think I'm on the right track would be much appreciated.

Kind regards
Jó reggelt, hevleotiger
Ne aggódj, daganatra ne gondolj. A vizsgálatok során a protokollt be kell tartani. Az isiász átsugározhat mindkét oldalra.
Igen a leírásod alapján lehet Fibromyalgia, de lehet sokízületi gyulladás, Polimialgia reumatica is.
Tudsz fésülködni, fejed fölé emelni a kezed? Minden esetre a vérkép elemzése sok mindenre választ adhat /CRP, és egyéb gyulladást jelző faktorok/
Barátsággal: Senior
Jó reggelt, hevleotiger
Ne aggódj, daganatra ne gondolj. A vizsgálatok során a protokollt be kell tartani. Az isiász átsugározhat mindkét oldalra.
Igen a leírásod alapján lehet Fibromyalgia, de lehet sokízületi gyulladás, Polimialgia reumatica is.
Tudsz fésülködni, fejed fölé emelni a kezed? Minden esetre a vérkép elemzése sok mindenre választ adhat /CRP, és egyéb gyulladást jelző faktorok/
Barátsággal: Senior

Good morning, hevleotiger
Don't worry, don't think about cancer. The protocol must be followed during the tests. Sciatica can radiate to both sides.
Yes, based on your description, it could be Fibromyalgia, but it could also be polymyalgia rheumatica.
Can you comb your hair, raise your hands above your head? In any case, the analysis of the blood count can answer many things /CRP and other factors indicating inflammation/
With friendship: Senior

Hi and welcome, @hevleotiger - glad you have found us

Honestly, I would not suggest anything to the doctor at your appointment.. simply go in with a list of your symptoms, and let them tell you what is going on. It might be fibro, it might be something else. It might be a combination of things.

yes, being educated about this is in your best interest, but do not lead them, because there are so many other things that have similar symptomology that you do not want something else to be overlooked. It could be any number of other illnesses...

Yes, a lot of stress can be a trigger for fibro, as can traumatic things - accidents, death of a loved one, and so on. And yes, digestive issues can be a part of all of this. But again.. dont go in telling the doctor anything but your major symptoms. Fibro is not a cut and dried diagnoses.
The good news is, if it is truly Fibro, it wont kill you. Yes, it can make life more difficult, but you wont die from it.

@seniorzala - It would be very helpful if you could post a translation of your reply as I did above... very few of us speak/read Hungarian. 😉 I find your posts helpful, but difficult to follow without a translation.
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Hi and thanks for your reply.

Thanks also for the great (sensible) advice, I was getting a bit carried away!! Lol.

I'll just go and see what happens next.

Kind regards
Greetings, @hevleotiger . I agree with cookiebaker, above. One of the worst things you can do is go into a doctor's office and tell them you think you have fibro, because most of them will immediately think you are a hypochondriac. Additionally, doctors want to tell you what is wrong, not have the patient tell them.

I see, as I was writing this, that you replied, above. So you accept this advice. I just also want to say that the most important thing is that you find out what is going on, not that you reach one or another diagnosis. Fibromyalgia has symptoms that are also seen in at least a dozen other conditions and diseases, and it's vital that you be tested for all of the possibilities so as to get the right diagnosis.

Please feel free to keep posting here, though, if you want to, and let us know what the doctor says.

One more thing: if the doctor does a "pressure point" test and uses that to determine whether or not you have fibromyalgia, it indicates that he or she is not at all knowledgable about fibro, because that test has been thoroughly debunked as having any validity in the diagnosis.
Jó reggelt, hevleotiger
Ne aggódj, daganatra ne gondolj. A vizsgálatok során a protokollt be kell tartani. Az isiász átsugározhat mindkét oldalra.
Igen a leírásod alapján lehet Fibromyalgia, de lehet sokízületi gyulladás, Polimialgia reumatica is.
Tudsz fésülködni, fejed fölé emelni a kezed? Minden esetre a vérkép elemzése sok mindenre választ adhat /CRP, és egyéb gyulladást jelző faktorok/
Barátsággal: Senior
@seniorzala , this is an English speaking forum. Your input is valuable, and we appreciate your being here. However, Please post your replies in English rather than expecting someone else to look up the translation for you. Thank you.
Jobb egérgomb Fordító.
In the past my English spelling was a problem. I wish everyone good health
Jobb egérgomb Fordító.
In the past my English spelling was a problem. I wish everyone good health
you can use a translator, just as I have done..
type up your response as you would normally, then copy and past it into a translator, and then copy the translated text to here.
We do understand that English may not be easy for you. That is what translating software is for.
please do continue to post, you are welcome here. =)
Hi @seniorzala,

I also had no problem using an online translator to read your message
It can be difficult to find places that help us, so please keep posting if it helps you. :)
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Hi again, saw the health professional this morning and when I told her my symptoms she said fybromyalgia straight away and has referred me to the specialist so we will at least get an answer.

I will let you know what happens.
This is a good sign! , and then hopefully you'll be able to find answers (it helps to know what's going on so you can make changes if you need to) it makes a difference just having in a name for it , oh + welcome to the forum ☕🍰 ✨
Jobb egérgomb Fordító.
In the past my English spelling was a problem. I wish everyone good health
We don't care if your spelling is bad if you want to post in English yourself, we understand. And using a translator online is easy to do, as others have said. We just ask that you do that or else post in English (including spelling mistakes), so we don't all have to translate it ourselves. Thanks for your input. :)
I diagnosed myself in 2015 and then had my diagnosis confirmed by the neurologist. Prior to that I had been referred to a different consultant who failed to identify my illness. I wish you well. Personally greeting confirmation that I had fibromyalgia was both a blessing and a curse. I grieved for my old self but was pleased that I knew what was wrong me me.
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