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New member
Sep 20, 2014
I am a 24 year old mother of one. My health has recently gone from fair to poor in the past few years. Two years ago I joined an accelerated (and very expensive) RN program. I enjoyed it and couldn't wait to graduate but about 7 months prior to graduation I started having severe digestion problems. I found myself not being able to make the drive to class without having to stop at a store to go to the bathroom (diarrhea-tmi sorry). I was randomly nauseous and dizzy at clinicals and would have to sit down for fear of passing out, even though we were not permitted to sit during clinical. It got to the point that I could no longer make it through an exam without needing the bathroom which was not permitted. This caused me extreme anxiety. I was also having migraines with aura(floaters in the eyes, numb/tingling on one side of the body, severe confusion and unable to form correct words or read) at least every other day, in assuming due to the stress.i went to the GI doctor and he diagnosed me with IBS but didn't want to listen to my non GI symptoms. He gave me medications that gave me more symptoms without really getting rid of the old ones. So, after struggling for three more months and barely passing my classes I quit the RN program with only four months to go. I regret it everyday but I know I wouldn't have been able to keep up or work as a nurse feeling the way I do. It's been exactly a year since then and I feel even worse, I am now $32,000 in debt for a program I couldn't finish and since what I have isn't a disability (according to them) it won't be forgiven. Lately I've had a few new symptoms: confusion/spaciness even when I'm not having a migraine, deep aching all over my body everyday that does not go away with aleve or Tylenol, and I have a headache everyday without fail and about twice a week a migraine with aura. I am also always exhausted no matter how much I sleep. I frequent IBS forums and keep seeing that many people were saying they also had fibromyalgia so finally I looked it up. When I read the symptoms I almost cried out of relief that I finally found a name for ALL my symptoms and not just GI. I've never felt so sick and I don't know what to do. My IBS is so severe that I have to carefully plan just going to the grocery store. I'm 24 years old and I feel 80. I have no degree and am always sick yet must work to pay off the debt. Does anyone have any advice for me or a similar experience? I'm sorry for the length of this post. EDIT- I forgot to add that I also occasionally get the most horrible muscle cramps in my legs and also beneath my shoulder blade. With the legs it's typically when I get out of a vehicle and the shoulder is if I'm leaning over something or reaching for something. It feels like the muscle will immediately bunch up and then continues to move without my control, I can actually feel it with my hand, my fiancé says he can feel/see it too. It lasts about 5 minutes and is the worst pain I have ever experienced. If it's in my leg I actually fall to the ground. The only way I've found to cope with it so far is to remain perfectly still as moving even an inch makes it so much worse I cry out. Has ANYONE ever experienced this? People look at me like I'm crazy when I describe it. Thank you for listening. It means a lot.
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Hi there, I was just wondering... the medication you were taking wasn't metoclopramide? Just curious! If that's not the case, then I really think you should see a NEUROLOGIST. Some of your symptoms sound a lot like fibro, but other do sound a lot like you got a neurological issue, I know because I do and had similar symptoms.

Btw, I also have IBS, it's awful, but I don't always get the runs, sometimes I get constipated too, it's a 50/50. Both are annoying. No idea why a lot people with fibro has IBS too! I sometimes wonder if it has something to do with our diets...
Hello, thanks for the reply! No it wasn't reglan but I actually do take phenergen as needed and though it knocks me out it's a lifesaver when I get really nauseous and nothing else will help. Thankfully I only have to take it maybe 4-5 times a month.

My GI doctor had tried me on zoloft....which did nothing but make my diarrhea even worse and made me feel so high I couldn't function. I also tried bentyl but that also made my diarrhea worse and after taking it on three separate occasions and feeling like I had food poisoning every time I gave up on it. After that I was terrified to take anything else and haven't tried anything else since but immodium. I only take that when I leave the house as it does help with diarrhea but then makes me nauseous instead.

On top of all the other symptoms I have going on I've just been a mess. Fibromyalgia is the only condition I've found so far that includes all of my symptoms but now that you mention seeing a neurologist I will look into that too. Especially since when I was washing dishes about an hour ago both my hands went numb and also had numbness up my left arm. I know something is seriously wrong with my body. I hope the doctors will be able to tell me what's going on :/
Hello, thanks for the reply! No it wasn't reglan but I actually do take phenergen as needed and though it knocks me out it's a lifesaver when I get really nauseous and nothing else will help. Thankfully I only have to take it maybe 4-5 times a month.

My GI doctor had tried me on zoloft....which did nothing but make my diarrhea even worse and made me feel so high I couldn't function. I also tried bentyl but that also made my diarrhea worse and after taking it on three separate occasions and feeling like I had food poisoning every time I gave up on it. After that I was terrified to take anything else and haven't tried anything else since but immodium. I only take that when I leave the house as it does help with diarrhea but then makes me nauseous instead.

On top of all the other symptoms I have going on I've just been a mess. Fibromyalgia is the only condition I've found so far that includes all of my symptoms but now that you mention seeing a neurologist I will look into that too. Especially since when I was washing dishes about an hour ago both my hands went numb and also had numbness up my left arm. I know something is seriously wrong with my body. I hope the doctors will be able to tell me what's going on :/

Your symptoms sounds so familiar. I had the same symptoms and I know I was misdiagnosed.
I also had digestive problems and later on I found out I had "candida overgrowth" if you don't know what that is you can look it up. I actually stopped all prescribed medications cos it seemed like it was just masking the pain instead of curing it so I went the the natural way.
Your symptoms sounds so familiar. I had the same symptoms and I know I was misdiagnosed.
I also had digestive problems and later on I found out I had "candida overgrowth" if you don't know what that is you can look it up. I actually stopped all prescribed medications cos it seemed like it was just masking the pain instead of curing it so I went the the natural way.

You can try Caprylic Acid for your digestion & overall pain.
I've just started reading about that candida and I think that is the cause for allergies, asthma and stomach issues, the real question is how to control it.
Oh, your story sounds SO similar to mine! Substitute out migraines for a couple of different symptoms I have, and it is exactly the same. I have not yet been diagnosed. I have an appointment with a practice specializing in fibromyalgia on Tuesday. My PCP feels almost 100% certain that this is what is going on with me. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, and I do hope you get some answers that help soon.
I have the flu achy 24/7 it never goes away ever.only my taramdol masks it for a few hours for me.
Deffo get looked at by a Nero , just to make sure nothing else is going on, I no fibro can be so bad that u can believe it's got to be something else and find out nope, it's fibro.the worst part it because the Dr won't accept fibro is a real illness ppl think that means it can't be a bad thing to wrong they all are,
I don't understand how they can say Parkinson s and MS is an illness when there no one test that prove u have them ,yet they do . But say u have fibro and u might as well say u have a cold.yet this illness is crippling and painful, sorry I'm having a rant. I just get cross when ppl say of fibro that's the better one to have. Yes it is I. That it won't damage your body like MS does. But I lost count of the ppl in wheelchairs with this grrrrr moan over
Annmor1867, I am so sorry you are going through this at such a young age. You have definitely described fibro, to a tee! A couple of things to consider (I suggest these because I have them, and some of your descriptions sound very similar), first, have your heart checked out. Pain and tingling in your left arm and hand can possibly be related to a heart event. I know, because I have had several. Even at a younger age. I don't want to scare you, but it's best to have it checked out. They can do a simple blood test to see if your enzymes are elevated, which lets you know there HAS been an event.

Second, I would ask to have a colonoscopy. I know, not fun, but it's the only way to rule out colitis, which has similar characteristics of IBS, but is treated much differently. I had explosive diarrhea that I couldn't control and had also been diagnosed with IBS. When my gastro did a colonoscopy, it was positive for a rare form of colitis. This is treatable with time-release steroids. Easy peasy. Okay, so it wasn't that easy because the flare, once i get the colitis under control, I then have IBS flare most times. But if you are trying to address IBS and it's colitis, you will never find true relief.

I also agree that you should be seen by a neurologist.

If you haven't been seen for the fibro and put on some kind of medication, I found (for a while) that lyrica worked pretty good. For a long time, I was on amytriptoline (sp). That also helps with sleep.

I threw a lot at you, but I have all of what you've described and I'm hoping you can find it manageable. I have learned to live with it and be content in life. I've had much of my symptoms for years (10-15+) and was able to work. You may or may not be able to, but getting the answers and possibly feeling a little better may allow you to. Keep us posted. I send gentle hugs your way..... :-)
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