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New member
Oct 10, 2015
In 1983 I was diagnosed with 'Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder'. I had some pain, but had extreme fatigue.
IN 1990, at age 43, I had a 'flare up' and saw a rheumatologist who diagnosed FM.
What a relief to finally have a definitive diagnosis!

All these years I have had occasional flare-ups, and have been fortunate to have minimal pain.
If I did too much, then I had pain, so I learned to pace myself very carefully.

Having an invisible disability is challenging.

I have several other health issues with fatigue as a major symptom, and have made many life-style adjustments to compensate for the unpredictability of FM.

2 days ago I had chest pain-really scary, as I am a heart patient.
I was seen in the ER and kept overnight for observation; all tests came back normal.
When I got home I looked up 'chest pain/FM' and found information about 'costochondirtis'.
I believe this is what I have.

I feel like I've had the flu-achy all over; the chest pain has subsided some, but if I sneeze or take a deep breath it hurts.

Fortunately I have a supportive husband who understands, and provides help, encouragement, and provides moments of well-appreciated humor!

I know that 'this too shall pass'.

With the limitations of the various health problems I have, I have mastered the art of taking it easy. :-)
Hi apricots- glad you are back home and getting better. I think I've had costochondritis too. Went to the ER once because the chest pain and shortness of breath had me concerned about possible heart attack. More Fibro Fun!
I had costochondritis many years before fibromyalgia really set in. Have had it so bad I can't reach across myself to put on my seatbelt. To keep this from flaring up, I try not to put weight stress on my sternum area or sit with my shoulders pressed forward for great amounts of time. I have an overstuffed chair at my house that pushes my shoulders forward. If I sit in this chair too long, I feel it in my chest when I stand up. I hope this helps!
Gosh we have to put up with so much reading your posts makes me realize i am not alone in onstantly taking self protection measures ie how we sit which chair...if only others knew how we fight to have a life. i get this chest rib pain too just randomly or certain movements like you say... hugs to you all
Hi apricots- glad you are back home and getting better. I think I've had costochondritis too. Went to the ER once because the chest pain and shortness of breath had me concerned about possible heart attack. More Fibro Fun!

I'm new at this how to post things in forums-so I'm not sure this is in the right place.
Just want to add that even though it turned out to not be cardiac related chest pain, I am glad I went to the ER.
This episode has inspired me to do more research on FM, and to find treatment options that might help me.
I know FM is so individual, and symptoms/treatments vary a lot.

Now I know what costochrondritis is, if this happens again, I won't be so freaked out.
I am a heart patient, so I'm extra cautious with my health.

I also figured out that besides the fibro flare, costochondritis, I also had a 24 hour flu!

I'm looking forward to a good week, with lots of rest, and minimal physical activites until I feel back to my 'normal'.
Hi Willow,

Yes, FM is a challenge, and what works for 1 person may not work for someone else.
This episode of costochrondritis has opened my eyes to being more aware of my posture and to be more careful lifting/moving things.

For me, some of the emotional help comes when others share their experiences-it doesn't change whatever is happening to me, but knowing I'm not fighting the battle alone, is encouraging.

Thanks for sharing your experience. This was actually the 2nd episode of 'chest pain' that turned out not to be cardiac related, but rather from the FM.

Now that I understand this more, I am more aware of how I do things, like sit, lift things, and especially in using my upper body in such a way as to not cause undue stress/pain.

I've been fortunate in that all these many years with FM, I have not had a lot of pain-but have had LOTs of fatigue.
So a new chapter in this FM adventure; fortunately my husband is very understanding and supportive.

I've made the rounds of rheumatologists in the area, and just decided to make an appt at the Mayo clinic for a FM evaluation.
We'll see how that goes-not sure how long I'll have to wait for the appt though.

Thanks for your post.
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