muscle weakness

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Little Bev

Active member
Aug 4, 2013
I was wondering if anyone else has constant muscle weakness. my muscles in my legs and arms constantly feel weak and they ache. I asked my rhuemy about it, because I wasnt sure if it was side effects from cymbalta or if it was the fibro. he said it was the fibro. but I don't seem to get any relief, other than getting in my hot tub. I walk 1-2 miles a day and they still ache. any one else have this problem?
Little Bev,
Often when we are first diagnosised doctor's say that lots of exercise is the best thing for improving aching muscle conditions, but in truth, we need to pace ourselves and not over-do. When I was first told that I continued doing my housecleaning jobs because that exercise was suppose to be good for me. However, all I did was run my health into the ground, becoming so weak and fatigued I could hardly move. Luckly since that time doctors no longer tell patients to do hard exercise, but to do as best you can a bit at a time.

This means planning out your day and doing a few things then resting before doing more. No more multi-tasking, where we zip from one project to another. Rest and relax, so those muscles can in turn loosen up and relax to the point the pain is not as severe. I was a perfectionest. I could multi-task from work to home and beyond. Then fibro stepped in and took away all my freedom in movement and motion.

So in answer to your question, yes my leg muscles and arm muscles are constantly weak. Reaching above my head to do anything is painful and can only be done in short spurts. My leg muscles are painful and often give out when least expected. This is fibro. :)
Hi Bev! I try to exercise 6 days a week on a good week, and yeah, I get the same feeling. Lately I feel so fatigated and sick I no longer feel like doing anything at all. It's part of fibro, sadly :( I'm dealing with other health issues, so this just makes it harder and harder on me. Hang in there :) Just do what you can do, and don't push yourself. Sometimes too much exercise do more harm than good!
Yep. My muscles always feel weak and fatigued. I guess that is life with fibromyalgia. I agree with 1sweed. Take breaks between activities. Life is not a race.
I am both sorry and relieved that you have all experienced muscle weakness. Relieve b/c I have had severe pain and weakness in my muscles, especially hands, arms and legs, for a couple of weeks now. Of course I always expect the muscle and joint pain -- that is not new. But the degree of weakness is. My PCP believes that often what is diagnosed as Fibro is often something else that has not yet been figured out. I've been twice to a rheumatologist who says I do not have an autoimmune disease, and am about to undergo EMG testing to rule of Myasthenia Gravis, a neuromuscular disease. My neuro, PCP and rheumatologist all suspect that is what's going on...BUT what I have read about MG tells me it does not include pain, just weakness. And I have pretty severe pain all over.

My greatest hope is that they find nothing, go back to the Fibro diagnosis (sad, huh? to be hoping it's "only" Fibro) and get me on a med that works for me. the Elavil, which initially seemed to work, doesn't seem to be doing much these days.

Anyway, although I don't make it here as often as I would like due to generally not feeling well, I am so glad this forum exists. Thank you.

Oh, and if anyone has any thoughts about nejuromuscular disease like MG, or has undergone tests for it, I would love to hear about it. Am also going to start a separate thread about that. Thanks
I have some muscle weakness, I've even fallen and collapsed before. Unfortunately with me, I have other conditions that overlap, so it's so hard to tell. I have high blood pressure now, and when I went into see the cardiologist, he would ask me questions, but then he would say that it could be this or that too.

My understanding is that fibro causes it too though.
Sorry for the predicament, but you are not alone. I also have the same problem of muscles getting tired and hurting. Every time I climb stairs or do some house cleaning, I end up feeling very weak and tired. I usually feel a funny kind of pain which is like combination of tired and hurting and if I don't stop what am doing the pain wont stop.

So all I don is take a rest after a few chores to relax my muscles.
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