Mottled skin anyone?

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Active member
Mar 3, 2015
In relation to other inherent challenges facing those with FM this is small in the scope of things but was concerning to me nonetheless. I've been watching a pale spotty brown section on my right forearm for about a year's about a 3" oval. No changes lately. So I'm reading this book and a light goes off in my brain. (Gotta love it when that still happens!) Anyway, it's the electrolytes (salts) of sweat mixing with the unusual FM biochemical components. I find myself wiping sweat from my brow with my arm. Guess the spots wont go away but I'm going to start carrying a handkerchief on hot days to dab with, instead of my arm! Book is called "fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain a survival manual" page 73. One mystery down, 199 to go!
Sounds like an informative book, I may have to see about getting that! Thanks for sharing that info!
Interesting to know we have unusual biochemicals shame we are not another kind of bio though like bionic!

Would love to replace some bits of me for new parts right now.

Sounds like a good book...i might get that one too. Thanks Chexmix.
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LOL Willow!

Thanks Chexmix. I've been wondering about good, informative books about fibro. Ive got to see if the library carries it .
My lower arms have mottle skin of tanned looking and white. They've only been this way for about 3 months. I rarely went outside in the summer either due to humidity or high temperatures. Went to the lake a few times but wore sunscreen. I was stumped until I spoke with my niece about it.
A little background: My niece was born with health problems that were taken care of by the age of 3 - when she had her last eye surgery and had to wear thick glasses. She had a poopy life with her mother/ my sister who, after a long struggle with drugs, has earned several degrees and is a great Substance Abuse Counselor (takes one to know one). My niece contracted her first autoimmune disease when she was 18. It was Raynaud's. From there it was one autoimmune disease after another.

Does any of this sound familiar ladies?

It was my niece who explained to me that people with Fibro have extreme skin sensitivity to light; even florescent lights. So I figure that is why my skin is mottled bc we have florescent lights in both our kitchen and laundry room but now I see there could be a totally different reason.

PS - Chexmix, I think you have a great sense of humor! Parts of your post gave me a chuckle. :-)
Happy Halloween all! I actually did find the book in the library. I've renewed it twice already and don't want to part with it. I might buy
It as a reference book. I've had to give up worrying about every little hiccup ( aka malfunction) along the way. I could go batty with
Anxiety looking for explanations. Now I try to roll with it but sometimes the logical side of me longs for answers the medical community isn't
Prepared to provide. My new normal isn't my old normal but I'm still a very blessed person. Let's band together and fight as Fearless Fibro
Phantams! Ok that doesn't really work, but neither did fish.....oh but fox has potential. Let's outfox fibro!
The Fearless Fibro Fighters ? I don't know how to outfox fibro but I'm ready to fight it!

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