Memory loss

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New member
Dec 12, 2014
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their memory? In the last few weeks, I have had several episodes. Once I was driving home and completely forgot where I lived, I had to sit in my car for about 10 minutes then it came to me. I got an email from an eye doctor thanking me for coming in and I thought it was a mistake because I have absolutely no memory of getting an eye exam. My husband said I went in and had the test but I just can't remember anything about it. I am so scared that it's going to get worse or that maybe it's something worse causing this. Has anyone else had any problems like this?
Hello, I have had similar episodes myself. I have to keep life really simple because in times of stress or during busy times, my memory goes. I will forget what conversations are about when I'm in them. It is very scary when I go to the store and all of the sudden realize I'm at the store and don't know why I went there. My family is very supportive 99% of the time. One way I cope is to write everything down, from simple to do lists to things I need to make sure I don't forget. I am so sorry you experience this. You are not alone. If I think of anything else that may be helpful, I will keep you posted. Please do the same. Take care and God Bless!
Oh yes I remember once driving home from work and I couldn't remember where I had to go!.if I don't write appointments down il forget. I have one of them fridge things so I can see what I. Doing every time I make a cuppa tea. Also it's a standing joke in my family that I forget everything. My OH will say do u remember when we were 17 and we went to the to so and so and did this and that. I'm like no are u sure it was me. Lol and also med do make the memory bad.and as pp said life gets so busy we tend to get overloaded in the brain and thing that our brains don't find important just go.
Try not to worry to much we all get it.
Hello,I'm sorry you are going thru that. It sounds like the reaction I was getting from the lyrica. I would also pass out while driving for just a few seconds. I would be in the other lane and have no idea where I was and where I was going.
Took me about 10 minutes to remember. Things are much better now I'm off the lyrica.
Keep coming to the forum and give us updates. Get as much information as you can from here. Information is your tool. Your doctors won't research,you have to do it yourself. This is a good place to get it.
Stay well!
I too have been recently having trouble with Memory, it's scary, I can be in the Kitchen cleaning and all it takes is someone asking for help, I'll go in whatever room they are in And deliver there request, go back and forget what I was doing. PART of it house is a clutter****. I have little to no help. I have had to let go of so much and it's humiliating If someone comes over, I want to hide, but......I'm getting better at forgiving myself at not being able to be Super Wife and Mother.
Honestly.....I just don't know anymore. I have to put on the happy face and fake it, or I'm looked at with "It's all in your head, or we'll I told you to exersize, or better yet, my pains worse than yours, so I just don't say Anything.
The Memory loss is debilitating, I don't want to go anywhere that would involve me to carry on a conversation. I ask myself
Have I become Retarded? SORRY MENTALLY HANDYCAPED What's next? Long term care? How do I fix my brain? Seriously, I'm afraid to see a neurologist for fear of what they find. Oh well.
I am new here, I though I was going crazy. I would drive though a stop sign swearing I had the right-away, then come to my senses and realize I almost killed someone. I deal with this memory fog like stuff allot ,but that was one of the scariest for me. My family thinks I'm dumb when I lapse. but I am not. I used to be sharp, now I don't even like to be around people for fear I will embarrass myself or one of my family members.
Just yesterday my Son reminded me of the fact I had already told him about an appointment not more than 2 hrs previously.
What bothers me the most is.....scaring my family, and the reason is ,My own Mother suffered Dementia, and I know the toll it takes. Im going to bring it up to the New family dr. II will be seeing. So I know exactly where you are at.
So sorry you and others are going through this. I'm lucky that I haven't experienced anything that bad... yet. But I do feel my memory getting worse, and becoming more .... what is the word... not 'confused' as such, but more... distracted. Yeah, distracted. I sometimes find myself sitting quietly and thinking to myself and I suddenly forget what I was thinking about, so I end up sitting there for ages just in a daze and empty-headed, wondering why I am sitting there and thinking of nothing. It is a strange experience.

I often find myself forgetting things that have just been said or losing track mid-conversation - even when it is me talking! I end up rambling too much and it is sometimes a little upsetting when my partner tells me that I am talking too much or even being a bit rude by completely going off-track while talking about something! It is often like I just go on auto-pilot and I'm not even aware of it.

Dates, appointment times, remembering tasks... these are the worst and I am forgetting them more and more regularly. I keep expecting to get told off or given a fine or something for missing so many appointments. It is getting worse and worse. I really need to use my smartphone more often and get used to using the functions on it, like the calander alarms and stuff. I keep alarms set for my tablet times and the cats feeding times or else I'll forget.

But it isn't to the point where it is scary... yet. It is just the little things at the moment, thankfully. But I do worry that it is gradually getting worse.
I am new here but was first diagnosed in 97. Hello everyone! I suffered from brain fog in the beginning quite a bit, but in 2008 it changed greatly after an incident where I awoke with loss of vision and left sided paralysis. Thankfully the loss of vision was momentary,and after many months most of my mobility returned.

Since that time my memory has got significantly worse, my most significant symptom. After 12 doctors and specialist we have been unable to find anything more conclusive then my fibro and they now just say it is all related. I can't say I agree, but since then I know exactly what you are going through. I have had my teenage daughter ask me where I am going on the way home, only to stop and realize I didn't know where I was. My day to day experiences are forgotten quite often, I can no longer cook big meals...used to be the hostess with the mostess ;). I often mix up my children's names, birthdays,etc..., miss appts frequently, had to stop paying the bills due to mix ups of dates and accounts. I can recall most things before 2004 but after that everything is quite fuzzy. No longer can keep track of meds and what doctor said what. All in all, I am so thankful for my supportive spouse and his help. This is the biggest reason why I can no longer work. Some days I feel down right stupid, though I graduated from nursing top of my class. I feel like I am 80 but am only 42.
I really worry about what lays ahead as well. Alzheimers and dementia? Is that where it will all lead. Some days it is down right scary the things I do, and I hate that my children and husband have to double check everything I do. So I guess my original, you are not alone, I am there everyday! Sorry for the tangent...ahhh what a life we all lead, but we are so lucky to be here, it could be so much worse. :)
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