Managing Fibro stressors while working during Covid-19 Pandemic

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New member
Dec 5, 2020
I know that stress can seriously effect fibro flares and existing pains, Covid has been nothing but just that - STRESS. I’m considered an essential worker and have honestly had a REALLY hard time managing my stress, pain and mental health considering I’m in a position of stress every day. (More specifically, I’m in childcare.)
Is anyone also in the same position being a worker and have found any methods to help ease their minds and pain levels while in the work place? Let’s discuss ideas to help each other, please
First, read my post on advice for managing fibromyalgia. It has suggestions for managing stress.
Now, in your position, it may be close to impossible for you to get rid of all the stress, as you have a stressful job at the very best of times! But do whatever you can and do it as if your life depended on it, because it pretty much does.

I would say this: First, make sure you are very exacting and consistent with all of the protocols possible in order to protect yourself from catching Covid.
Explore things you can do at home in the evenings to reduce stress. Yoga class online, meditation, guided meditation, listening to the sound of waves, exercise, talking on the phone with a friend about your day, watching movies, whatever it takes.

Also, look online for suggestions for things like "two minute stress reducers" so that you can find some little things to try during your day at work as well. There are things you can do while you go to the bathroom for 3 minutes, for instance. Find those and diligently try them until you find one that helps.

Medical cannabis helps a lot with this, but you may not be able to use it, if you have to have drug tests for your job. If you can, it's something you could do for yourself in the evenings.

Nothing is going to take all the stress away, of course, but I bet if you work at it you can find ways to decrease the effects it has on you.
Hi there. This is really a stressful time. Try using some stress cubes or balls.
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