Lyrica anyone?

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New member
Aug 21, 2016
United States

I have been suffering with this fibromyalgia for 6 years officially now and im so drained. I dont know what else i can try. I was considering asking my doc to prescribe me Lyrica after cymbalta failed completely. Im getting to the point where i feel like giving up on life.. I have a one year old daughter that i cant hug or hold because its just too painful. Has anyone had success with lyrica? Or anything that isnt a depression med?
Lyrica made me sleep about 18 hours a day but it is different for everyone. At this point I would give just about anything a shot. I hope you find something that helps you!
Lyrica has been around for a long time. It's use, initially was for siesures. Do your homework, ask your Dr. If he or she has samples you can try. For me, myself, and I, I would say fast as you can. But I'm not you, and that's not fair now is it? For all the people lyrica and cymbalta works for, "well jolly good show! " I tried these meds, and they had terrible side effects, I was FALLING ALL THE TIME , I WOULD WANT TO SAY ONE THING AND SAY ANOTHER, SERIOUSLY I THOUGHT I WAS LOOSING MY MIND. SO , WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO THOSE WHOM THIS CONCAUGHTION WORKED, WELL BLESS YOUR HEART,BUT WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, I'VE HEARD MORE NEGATIVE THAN POSITIVE. COULD IT BE, JUST MAYBE SENCE THE FDA HAS PULLED IN THE ROPES FOR "REAL" PAIN RELIEF, THEY HAVE TO BRING IN MONEY SOMEHOW?
I'm very new to the fibromyalgia diagnosis, so I have no experience with Lyrica. However, if it's an anti-convulsive... then it's probably like Topamax... aka "StupidMax" or "Dopamax." These drugs do this sort of thing, unfortunately. I was on Topamax for off-label use... peripheral neuropathy (burning, tingly in hands/feet) and it did that to me. BUT.. Topamax actually curbs appetite and most LOSE while taking it. I went off of it eventually.. just didn't trust taking it long-term. Not sure if Topamax helps with Fibro or not.. I was on so many meds at the time i can't say which was doing what.
Yes.. I took topamax for a long time for migraines.. I hated that it made me so hot and dehydrated.. But i stopped taking it because it gave me trouble with my memory. After two hours i could finally talk without stuttering or forgetting my statemebts mid sentence.
I'm very new to the fibromyalgia diagnosis, so I have no experience with Lyrica. However, if it's an anti-convulsive... then it's probably like Topamax... aka "StupidMax" or "Dopamax." These drugs do this sort of thing, unfortunately. I was on Topamax for off-label use... peripheral neuropathy (burning, tingly in hands/feet) and it did that to me. BUT.. Topamax actually curbs appetite and most LOSE while taking it. I went off of it eventually.. just didn't trust taking it long-term. Not sure if Topamax helps with Fibro or not.. I was on so many meds at the time i can't say which was doing what.
Yes.. I took topamax for a long time for migraines.. I hated that it made me so hot and dehydrated.. But i stopped taking it because it gave me trouble with my memory. After two hours i could finally talk without stuttering or forgetting my statemebts mid sentence.
Lyrica has been a lifesaver for me. It didn't take away all my pain but has cut it almost in half, better then any other pain medication I have tried in the past by far. The side effects at the beginning were hard but the only lasting ones are the weight gain (ugh!) and having trouble finding words, but I will take that over the immense pain any day. I had heard so many negative things about Lyrica and was so afraid to try it, I put it off for months because of that fear -please don't let that stop you. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it could work for you. Good luck!
I tried Lyrica about 2 months ago .Started out on 25 mg 2 times a day and it helped with the pain a lot so I go to my Doctor and ask if we can up the dose .
So I start taking 75 mg 2 times a day.
Was not feeling my self but just thought it was me just being *****y.
I go to a board meeting that i,m on the board and I just start *****ing at ever thing that was going on . Just yelling at the board and that is not me at all I know i,m a old fart but not a grummpy old fart yet . I could not believe how Lyrica changed my mod . It really scared me and was out the door the next day saying sorry to all the board members . Some sort of thought some thing was wrong . So be careful . But hope if you take it helps you out a lot . It was nice for a couple days not really having any pain.
Good luck
I've taken two doses, 25mg each. Didn't notice much with the first dose as I went to bed right after. 2nd dose. Wow! I was high for about 5 hours. My pharmacist friend said that should diminish. I sure hope because it was weird.

I am on Cymbalta and I desperately want off of it. I gained a ton of weight, I have lots of the side effects listed that comes with it. I was considering Lyrica, so it will be interesting to read responses to Lyrica experiences.
The 3 mainstay fibro meds right now are:

Lyrica is an anti-seizure drug, it was created as a refined version of gabapentin which is used occasionally for fibro, seizures, anxiety, and post-herpetic nerve pain.
Cymbalta is an SNRI antidepressant, it is the oldest of the 3 primary meds, it is well respected as an anti-depressant. Some patient surveys have showed that it is effective for mildly more people then the other two.
Savella is also an SNRI antidepressant, it tends to be less commonly used so it's harder to find how people like it. In generally I have heard it is effective for slightly fewer people then the other two.

Being the classes of drugs that these are - anti-epileptics and SNRI they often have negative side effects like others in their same class. Weight gain is a big one, but there are many other side effects. Taking meds is sort of a gamble where the doctors and patient have to weight the negatives to the positives and the risks to the benefits.

Some people can take any of these meds and have no negative side effects, some of those will have positive side effects, some will get nothing.

I have tried cymbalta. It genuinely did nothing for me positive or negative wise. I am now on gabapentin at a low dose and find the same is true. My close friend who also has fibro used lyrica for over a year and found it very helpful, but can no longer get it due to money shortage so is trying gabapentin (gaba is older and cheaper).

One person who is fine with cymbalta may not be fine with gabapentin or vice versa. Despite sharing a class or even having a shared history like these two do- you can have different reactions unless they share an ingredient you are allergic to for sure.

The rates of effectiveness # of patient wise, and just how effective the meds are is actually remarkably similar from the surveys I have seen. But each person may have a different response to each one, it may be worth it for you to try all 3 exclusively at some point.

I would mention also a prescription drug called low dose naltrexone. If you haven't heard of it I recommend giving it a look see. It is a drug that has to be made by a compound pharmacy because full dose naltrexone is used for an entirely different purpose. Any amount over 4.5 is excessive for CFS or fibro. It also must be weened on slowly if you do take it. It is very old, well tested. It is used at full strength doses for addiction to alcohol or opioids. In low doses it has been reported to help pain and fatigue of some people and Dr. Jared Younger is really interested in doing tests on it and others. It is probably equally or less expensive as the other 3 are given that it must be compounded- in base form it is really cheap though. It is pretty well studied for certain uses (MS) and has had mixed results for other uses. It is generally thought of as safe and especially at low doses is thought to have very low chance of side effects- insomnia is the #1 reported issue and for many weening on very slowly can make this a non-issue or a mild problem.
I take Lyrica and Cymbalta. Cymbalta alone wasn't enough (I also have depression & anxiety). I tried coming off the Lyrica, was doubtful it was helping, just to go right back on it within 3 months... it made a difference!

I find a big difference now that I am on both.
It is a trade off - less pain but more Fibro Fog for me.
Lyrica has been around for a long time. It's use, initially was for siesures. Do your homework, ask your Dr. If he or she has samples you can try. For me, myself, and I, I would say fast as you can. But I'm not you, and that's not fair now is it? For all the people lyrica and cymbalta works for, "well jolly good show! " I tried these meds, and they had terrible side effects, I was FALLING ALL THE TIME , I WOULD WANT TO SAY ONE THING AND SAY ANOTHER, SERIOUSLY I THOUGHT I WAS LOOSING MY MIND. SO , WITH ALL DUE RESPECT TO THOSE WHOM THIS CONCAUGHTION WORKED, WELL BLESS YOUR HEART,BUT WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, I'VE HEARD MORE NEGATIVE THAN POSITIVE. COULD IT BE, JUST MAYBE SENCE THE FDA HAS PULLED IN THE ROPES FOR "REAL" PAIN RELIEF, THEY HAVE TO BRING IN MONEY SOMEHOW?
What did you mean by run? do sprints? I have been tempted to do a sprint to break the cycle eventhough It's not recommended
hello everyone, just joined. i was hoping to possibly get some info on quitting lyrica.
this drug hasn't been around very long so most doctors don't know much about it.
lyrica is the most addictive, overwhelming brain drug on the planet. the side effect
are horrible, debilitating to me. i have been trying to quit for almost as long as i have beeb taking it.
i did taper down over two months and quit for a day. it made me feel like i had gone mad,
like a chemically induced psychosis, like it had taken over my brain with insane, horrible
thoughts.then the pain returned and was worse that when i started
do not get near this stuff. i quit taking hydrocodone and morphine after a year and would rather go through that again
than quit lyrica. i spoke with the hospital pharmacist and he told me you cannot quit a drug like lyrica
you have to take something else instead but didn't say what as he is not a dr. when i asked my doctor about auitting
he said "go ahead". didn't have a clue. i can't find a dr. that knows anything about this.k

if anyone has succesfully quit lyrica after long term use please tell us how.
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