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Very helpful member
Sep 13, 2014
The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google, utube..symptom checker. It's scary, but at least answers all my questions about the symptoms. I'm thankful to at least have the help, and know it's not all in my head. I've also found out that a person can have overlapping symptoms. So my encouragement to anyone is ..... don't give up on yourself. I plan on being proactive, this will include going to a Nature path. Dr. I watched a utube presentation about a woman who was told her tooth fillings,,,Mercury had to be removed, while in the process the dentist found Mold build up under a crown. She also had parasites. Also her hair was falling out. She recovered 99 percent. Why not look for the healthy way out. At least I can say to myself I tried. I'm so thankful for this forum. Thanks guys for helping me vent.
It is encouraging that you recognize that fibromyalgia is a syndrome. It is possible that that most misdiagnosed cases of fibromyalgia may present as lupus or vice versa. Some patients present with flares and remissions of pain and this can be confused with fibro.
Wow Moe, I don't know much about Lupus, when I started researching it I shut it down because it scared me and I didn't want to put new thoughts in my head. My fingers are crossed for you that it turns out to be a false alarm. You seem to be taking this bravely.
It's funny you brought up the mold and parasite thing, I posted some last week about being exsposed to toxic mold and that Im supposed to be getting tested thus month (my son informed me a couple of days ago that his left eye vision sometimes fades out for a few seconds had been for the past year, so I may be paying for an MRI instead). Anyway, I started taking somethings that chelate mold out off the body, some VERY strange things have been coming out, turns out noni and coconut oil clean out parasites!!! so I started a quality bars dire cleanse. I have had the "hex" symptoms but my fibro pain had gone WAY down. I have been wait to post because it could just be my fibro is in a good cycle. Both mold and parasite are accused of being caused if fibromyalgia I've got my fingers crossed they are the cause of mine. As that are treatable. It would be great if they were the cause of everyone's fibro, but I'm not sure that everyone's fibro isn't caused by something different.
My post are always to long!
You are in my thoughts and payers. If I get up the guts I will research Lupus further so I can relate better to what your up against. Not sure how long it will take for you to get a final diagnosis but I will watch for your post. But again my fingers are crossed, just because it walks like a duck dies the mean it is a duck!
Big gentle hug
Lol, my reply was longer then your post!!!
I hope is not lupus, it'd not be fair at all if you had to deal with that on top of fbro and only god knows what else (we fibro sufferers have many other issues). Best of luck, moe, I hope is not that! I will keep you in my thoughts.
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