Lost a day...in case this helps others


Active member
Jul 10, 2021
I haven't posted here in awhile, maybe a good sign that I am getting used to or managing my fibro better. Today I was wiped out though, sleeping the entire day. (After sleeping the entire previous night.) I am tired now and not refreshed and still feel sleepy at almost 6pm I did a search and saw I posted about this on this site in 2021. It hasn't happened much to me, maybe 4 times total, but when it does I lose the whole day obviously. Some of the past occasions I lost more days in a row. Folks on this site were very helpful, because in the past some of those were backlash for doing a longer bikeride. (I know, just an hour of bike riding, but I found I had to incrementally work up to what used to be normal for me.)

Today I don't know what caused it unless maybe stress, because I did have a fight with a loved one yesterday, and before that my brother was here and we were partially dividing up my Mother's things (she passed away last year). If anyone else has experienced such days, it would help to hear about it. I can never find anything about it online. Thx!
Hi @DebMarPir ....I have not had that experience, myself. My problem is more often the opposite...that I don't get enough sleep.

But I wanted to reply to you to say that what you have experienced recently could definitely be a cause for that happening. I am deeply stressed out any time I have an altercation with anyone, let alone someone who is important to me. And, having had to divide up the possessions of both of my parents I know how excruciatingly hard and stressful that is, how utterly wrong it can feel, and how sorrowful. These things are so hard to go through. I am so sorry for your loss of your mother.

I think maybe your body just needed the rest. It was sort of saying to you that it needed a whole lot of time to recharge after all of that. And I find that 100% understandable. In fact, I think your body was showing you its own wisdom by doing that, even though it was a bit disconcerting to you. I understand that too, though....if that happened to me it would feel kind of scary. But I think as long as you feel OK now, maybe you can chalk it up to your body knowing what it needed.

Wishing you the best and peaceful rest in the coming days, and I hope you are good and kind to yourself.
You might want to check out More Good Days. It's in Australia but anyone can use the program or talk to their pain coaches online. One of the things I learned under their flare module was that exhaustion is not something to work though as opposed to working though painful movement and knowing when it's safe to keep moving or pull back. I didn't know that exhaustion was a sign that a flare is coming for me but I am starting to see the pattern. Sorry you are going through that!