Looking for a Dr. that recognizes fibromyalgia in Tucson, AZ

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New member
May 1, 2014
I have had a terrible experience with my Primary care Doc since I've been with him for the last 2 years. He refused to read a "pain journal" I brought in that detailed my pain from day to day, hour to hour and all he has done for me since I've been seeing him is put me on a massage table with a massage pad that I could have bought at Walmart and sent me out for an MRI on one of my knees because a lot of the pain is there. Nothing came up on the MRI and this primary care doctor just wants to keep writing RXs for pain meds, which I don't want! I want to be able to manage the symptoms I experience without constant medication, so that I can work fulltime (which is very difficult when symptoms flare up) and be a better more active mother to my son. If anyone knows of a good doctor who will listen to me about my fibromyalgia symptoms please contact me!
Hello and welcome to the forum. Have you considered seeking out the advice of a pain specialist who might be willing to sign you up for physical therapy or even bio-feedback, which is a form of meditation with the help of a machine. Another thought is getting massages or soaking in a warm tub of water with epson salts in the water. Relaxation at home with music and or, purchasing a massage mat that is electric and the pulses feel like rollers running up and down your back from your neck to your feet. You can control the speed and have heat as well if you choose to.

Another thought is to buy a cotton fiber or feather filled, or foam pad. This is not a regular mattress pad, but is 3-4 inches thick and is placed under your sheets on top of your regular mattress. They can be soft or firm (foam) and provide extra cushioning for your muscles that allows you to sleep better and improves your quality of sleep, thus you hurt less. They come in all bed sizes.

I am sure others will have ideas for you to try and although, I do not know doctors in your area hopefully another member can help in this regard. glad you found us. See you around the forum. :)
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