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Legendary member
Oct 6, 2014
my legs are so painful. Cramping pulling stinging I can't explain how much they hurt even the soles of my feet.:( I have muscle relaxers but I'm not sure if I can't take them with my new meds.and can't ring Dr till tomorrow .
I can relate to the leg pain that is where alot of my pain is. I want to chop my legs off somedays. Hang innthere hope the dr can help u. 8)
Big hugs forget! Hang in there.
I'd say walk it off but I'd sound like my mom .
Hot shower works for me. You know in cant
Sit in a metal tub so give it as try.
I never had pain like it and I don't want it again. Lives a b some days
I get leg pain too and heat tends to help! Exercise does too but it is so hard to do it when you are already in pain :(
I hear ya! My legs kill me all the time! I hope you get some relief soon!
Oh yeah, my legs are on fire and ache! Hot bath or shower or something like it. It's mostly eucalyptus and peppermint oils.
But mine never goes away anymore, just goes from bad to worse. I also use an exercise bike but don't stay on it long, 15 min a shot . And I try to walk 20min. a day. It often makes the pain worse but gotta keep moving a bit. It often moves up my back and shoulders too. Break down and use Advil sometimes, it works better than Vicodin, but nothing ever takes it all away.
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The legs...I could go on & on about my legs and all the little things attempted to soothe them. Muscle relaxants give me a horrid hang over so I take them only in drastic cases. Im a sensitive creature with anything pills it seems. Styrofoam noodle is my medieval torture device that I roll on to get blood flow moving most mornings with fascia stretching..Its the most amazing combo of pain & relief.. Hate it and love it at the same time. Drastic measures needed to be taken since my circulation got really bad in my legs last year, no circulation, veins started appearing, dimpling progressed into something akin to a midnight horror show in my mind...

Made the mistake of rubbing my legs down with a capsaicin muscle ointment in the morning and took a hot bath in the late afternoon. Bad mistake and I refuse to touch capsaicin ointments again after that experience. Felt like my skin was going to melt off...Not fun.

Own two massages, electric and a hand held ball bearing one that is heaven when Im sitting on the couch and my legs are screaming...Been popping double doses of Aleve daily till the super size bottle was empty. Really careful with pain meds..dont like taking them yet very glad they are available when needed.
Unwards and upward is that like paracetamol. If so pls be carful it can build up in the system and kill u.no joke my sister in law died from that. Can u take tramadol them with to paracetamol make the tramadol work better .hugs x
Thanks for putting the info out there for others forgetmenot. Aleve is Naproxen sodium, I cant take the other types of over the counter meds because I have Hep C and have to be really careful what I ingest. Im a bit on the reactive side with anything that goes thru the liver. Tramadol is a synthetic opiate. My body does not like the synthetic opiates at all or any with fillers in them. Its been fun pointing all these fine details to the Dr's. Im usually the one who produces the information for them to study up on. Most doctors hate that, they are stuck on stupid in my opinion. Just my viewpoint and in no way suggesting people NOT listen to their doctor. (im going to have to post that disclaimer alot here) I loathe american medical care..fyi
Oh yes the legs... by the end of the day I can barely get up the stairs! Part of that is chasing around my one year old and carrying him has really increased the pain but I have always had a lot of leg trouble. If you can find the time, a hot bath with some eucalyptus helps and then after massage your legs with some Voltaren or other pain gel/cream. Voltaren is my favorite as it actually works and the smell is not too bad. Even better if you have someone available to rub your legs for you!
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Can use creams but hot bath I do do.
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