knee pain, getting worried

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Senior member
Apr 6, 2014
Hello everyone, I have been getting really bad knee pain in front and back of knees. I am having trouble walking, my knee gives out on me sometimes and I'm scared of falling. I hope this goes away soon, does this happen to anyone else?
Why don't you go to a doctor already? This is how my friend's fibromyaglia started, so you should have that checked as soon as possible.
Hi Takedon, yes I'm going to the Doctors in the morning, I just wanted to know if there is anyone else with the same problem. Knee pain really sucks.
Hi Lana! I also have the same issue, now it's not as often as before, but I still get it from time to time. I know how annoying and scary it can be, if you can I really advice you to see a specialist soon. I might be going to see one in a few weeks, since I have other doc appointments in queue. I hope you can find some relief soon, keep us posted!
I too get knee pain. I slipped at a buffet restaurant once and landed on my knee. Ever since then I've had a constant aching in my knee. There is no way it should still be hurting me, especially since, all tests have come back negative. It's annoying and I walk around afraid to fall in fear of making it worse.

Hopefully you find an answer for your knee pain.
Well, knee pain can exist from many causes. I know it sucks, a lot of people have to deal with it. However, you should get a real diagnosis to be sure how to react.
Hi Takedon, Came back from my rheumatologist it seems that I hurt my knees from going up and down the stairs. I always thought stairs keep you healthy, Anyways he told me to ice every evening and mild stretches. I guess this will take a while to heal. He also said my ANA blood test came back positive. I have had about five blood test and two of them came back positive for Lupus. The doctor said that doesn't mean I have lupus its probably just has something to do with my thyroids.
Unfortunately, the best exercise for us is low impact. Stairs are hard on the knees. I hate stairs (well going up them, down doesn't seem to be too bad) and avoid using them as much as possible. If I do use them, it's a very slow ascent.

Why does your Rheumatologist think it's thyroid problem and not Lupus? I'm curious about what tests you had besides the ANA.
Hi Livetoerr I have had a urine test and a Blood test done, that's all he said, I am going on a higher dosage of thyroid pills, hopeful that's all it is. Does anyone else get different readings on there ANA blood test. Like I said before i have had five blood test and two came back positive for an autoimmune disease. I'm getting a little concerned over this. Anyways Thanks for your response.
Hi Takedon, yes I'm going to the Doctors in the morning, I just wanted to know if there is anyone else with the same problem. Knee pain really sucks.

I do experience it from time to time. When I was young, I used to hurt my knees a lot and know, here I am.
A positive ANA doesn't always mean you have an auto-immine disease. It's just a starting point and a rheumatologist will take your full history and get more blood work before diagnosing. However, even if you do have an auto-immune disease the ANA can fluctuate between positive and negative. So, it's best to see a rheumatologist to see what they have to say. They will do specific tests for other antibodies to confirm or rule out diagnosis.
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