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New member
Oct 20, 2020
Have had fibro for over 40 years and have tried all meds, including morphine. Now considering kedamine infusion. Anyone familar with this treatment?
Are you referring to Ketamine? Either way, no, I haven't tried that. It sounds really intense.
If you mean Ketamine, I recommend against it. It is a very powerful drug and usually makes people quite woozy and unable to concentrate. Normally it is only used in hospitals.
My son is currently on a ketamine regimen, for many decades of drug-resistant depression. He's tried dozens of medications and none have helped to any extent. His first three doses of ketamine were inpatient IV, then when his results were analyzed he was continued on oral doses twice (I think) per week. The meds have to be made at a compounding pharmacy - there's no prescription form you can just get at a regular pharmacy. They're made in gummies form. He is being followed closely by a psychiatrist. It's my impression that for the first time in many, many years some of the depression has lifted. The strength of ketamine in this use is much, much lower than the strength used for sedation in the hospital. He takes his twice weekly dose at bedtime. He says it definitely causes side effects of feeling a little loopy and stoned, but not to an extreme - and he takes the warnings and words of caution seriously and remains home and in bed after taking it. I have no experience with it for fibromyalgia, but I've heard that some people have had considerable relief from using it. It's definitely a positive result for many with resistant depression, but it doesn't work for everybody. It's not something that's easily prescribed by any doctor, my son qualified for an IV research study and due to his positive response was permitted to continue with the oral dosage after the study. It's a hallucinogenic, so it's nothing to get into lightly. If your doctor is recommending it, it's worth considering. But it's serious business. Cost is also a consideration.
I do mean Ketamine. I have a pain management doctor who will use infusion therapy. Plan to try it next month
PS: the intravenous is administered in a controlled dose over 1 hour, 3 days in a row
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