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New member
Aug 30, 2015
I've been researching so many sites to find out if Fibro can cause pins,like fire on one toe but numbness and tingling on both feet up my legs. They seem to be worse at night while lying flat but during the day also. This morning I noticed both legs are burning half way up my legs. I have gone to the doctor,General Practioner and he recommended me to see a Neurologis,and she said I have Fibro,and Myfacial Syndrome and put me on one med that didn't work, now I'm on Cymbalta. I also have Trigiminal Neuralgia and I take Tegretol for that. I was on Gabapentin for about 3 years but it stopped working so that's why I take Tegretol.
My question is, can Fibro ,along with the other things cause such a terrible burning on my second,left toe,cause numbness in my other toes and tingling and burning on my feet and legs. In the morning I wake up and I feel as if my feet are goingn to crack if I move them the skin feels so tight and weird.
Any help will surely be appreciated. I can's see going back to the doctor again because i've been so many times with the same thing he has to be tired of seeing me LOLHe just keeps telling me to be patient and let this Cymbalta help. I've been on it for 5 weeks( 1 pill for 2 1/2 weeks and now 2 pills for 2 1/2 weeks)
Thanks so much,

Welcome.yes I have pins and needles in legs and feet always.i also get stabbing pain in big toes.i also get twitching mussels drive me mad .
Hi Lisbeth, good to meet you. I always have pain inside my hands and feet (it feels like it is in the joints). When the pain is low it almost becomes a tickling feeling. When the pain is high the pain becomes a burning and I feel like patches of my skin are on fire. I hope the Cymbalta works for you.
yes the fibro can cause that too.

but, you have (like me) Trigiminal Neuralgia. thats the nerves are damaged from all the messages the muscles are sending up and down them.
this will cause all of that on its own. the burning maybe from the muscles spasming all night long from sending those pain messages.

about the doctor, read my posts "starting a daily log book and why it helps" this will help you with the doctor.
its a great help to many folks here and it works so well.
fibro is damaging and messing with the nerves of the body it can do just about anything

if i dont use fytynal patches i feel like a marathon needles ants restless legs and my sleep apnea acts up severely

im not the best for advice i was diagnosed with fibro chronic pain chronic fatigue my whole life so me and pain
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