Itching tingling face


New member
Nov 26, 2024
Hi, let me introduce myself… I’m Pierpaolo and I’m an Italian guy who’s actually using Google Translate 🤣 I wanted to tell you and ask for advice on the symptoms I’m having and they’re destroying me. I am a 25 year old boy who has been suffering from fibromyalgia since he was 16, diagnosed at 19, I have had many symptoms including pain, chronic fatigue, memory problems, severe anxiety etc. it was very difficult to live with all this and in reality I was also able to manage the situation well by changing my lifestyle, diet and changing my thoughts, I was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but about 3 and a half years ago due to an injury in both feet after a period of pain my feet started to tingle and initially my brain went crazy making me very anxious. the itching lasted about 4 months and one night while I was in bed trying to sleep my face started tingling, and from there the life I was trying to build, the person I was began to destroy itself, I live with this itching/tingling on the face (also in the ears and nose) for about 3 years, it’s exhausting, and is sending me to the mental hospital, I’ve had several visits and tests… brain MRI, thyroid ultrasound, chest x-ray, allergy tests (I was allergic to dust) the final diagnosis was anxiety-induced itching, so after a bit of indecision I tried various psychiatric treatments with different pharmacological therapies but nothing at all. I’m in pieces. Do any of you have or have had similar symptoms?
can anxiety create these continuous and chronic symptoms? If anyone has any idea what this might be about, I have some thoughts on the matter, write to me, thank you and sorry for invading your forum
Hello, @pisox and welcome to the forum. By the way, you are not invading the forum at all, and we welcome your presence here. I only hope that we will in some way be able to help you.

I don't know a whole lot about what you are describing, but it sounds absolutely terrible, and I am so sorry you are experiencing this. I do think that anxiety is one of the very worst mental illness conditions that a person can have, and I suffer from it a great deal of the time myself. Among the many symptoms that anxiety sometimes produces in me is I know that this can be caused by anxiety. I don't know, of course, if that is the cause of your itching or if it is caused by something else. Mine has never caused itching on my face, but it does some of the time cause itching in other parts of my body. Usually only for a few hours at a time, though.

I know that when it comes to mental health medications, trial-and-error is unfortunately the only approach to finding what, if anything, will help you. I have tried just about everything, myself. If your doctor suggests that you try any other medications you have not already tried, I would encourage you to try them. If in fact the cause of your symptoms is anxiety then there may yet be a medication that can help with that. I hope so.

I do not know if medical cannabis is available where you live, but if it is legally available there, you might try that. It helps a lot of people with anxiety. If you do try it, I recommend getting an edible form, since smoke and vape are very bad for your health. And start with the smallest most tiny possible dose, only working up very, very slowly, because it can have different effects on people.

Maybe some of the other members here will have other ideas for you. Please know that you are not alone, and we are here to help and support you in whatever way we can.