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New member
Dec 18, 2013
My Narcolepsy Story:
I have been dealing with fibromyalgia symptoms for over a decade. Exhaustion, body pain, lack of energy and mostly miserable a lot of the time but.. I recently moved to California and now that my hubby has good insurance I went to see a rheumatologist who thought I had sleep apnea. Off I went to the sleep study where I was covered with electrodes and given a nice quiet room with a soft bed. I stayed there from 9pm to 6pm the next day so they could test my sleep overnight and in the daytime. I slept overnight and the next day I was allowed to take a 20 minute nap every 2 hours which they closely monitored.
I do not have sleep apnea, what I have is narcolepsy. Most people go into a REM state after an hour or so of sleep, I go into a REM stage within 20 minutes thus missing the greater part of restorative sleep.
I am now on a medication (Xyrem) I take every night in bed just before sleep and once in the middle of the night usually after 4 hours.
I feel great! Pain is GONE. Fatigue GONE. Energy levels are high and I am now optimistic and happy!
After over ten years of symptoms I am finally all but cured!
So, my suggestion is to get a sleep study if you can - it may take complaints of snoring to get your insurance to cover it, but if it resolves or rules things out that puts you further ahead.
Good Luck!
I'm so glad that you've gotten the correct diagnosis and are now able to find relief. That's wonderful news.
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