Hello! I’m a 23F and I’ve been suffering with chronic pain mainly in my joints. A year ago, I started experiencing a dull pain in my ankles. Later on, I began feeling a burning pain in my knees and it would often swell -and become red. Around July/August, my pain became excruciating due to the hot weather. I began having an intense burning pain in my knees, ankles, elbows, fingers and lately, I’ve been having shoulder pains. I’ve seen a few doctors including a rheumatologist who initially said that I may have inflammatory arthritis. Two blood tests (ESR and CRP) showed moderate levels of inflammation. However, my rheumatologist said that I may be experiencing fibromyalgia due to my mother having fibromyalgia. However, the only symptoms I am experiencing are extreme joint pain with a burning sensation, flu-like symptoms and fatigue. My mother has fibromyalgia but she always says that her pain feels widespread whereas my pain feels like an intense burning that is radiating from each of my joints. I also feel like she suffers with a lot more symptoms relating to fibromyalgia than I am. Has anyone with fibromyalgia experienced pain that is solely in the joints? If not, what does widespread pain mean to those suffering from fibromyalgia? Also, does inflammation occur with fibromyalgia? Thank you in advance for responding!